The annual meeting of the Association for 2001 will be held in Boston, January, 4-7, 2001. The Program Committee welcomes proposals from all members of the Association (academic and nonacademic), from affiliated societies, and from scholars in foreign countries and in related disciplines. In planning the program, the committee seeks presentations that address the entire community of historians and provide opportunities to examine the larger concerns of the profession. Panels that promote excellence in research and teaching and discussion of significant professional issues, rights, and responsibilities are welcome. Continuing the practice of previous years, the committee encourages the participation of established scholars and also requests, in particular, panels on time periods, regions, topics, and approaches that have been underrepresented in recent AHA meetings. As the last few meetings have indicated, those assembling panels and those attending them have found that comparative sessions have worked well both in stimulating discussion and attracting a diverse audience.
In an effort to encourage wider participation of the whole profession in the AHA annual meeting program, the 2001 Program Committee has chosen the theme "Practices of Historical Narrative." The committee construes this topic very broadly, considering that historians have used narrative to tell very different stories throughout the writing of history. Not only the ordering of events, but a variety of methodologies form the narrative that historians tell. The very sources that historians choose to use dictate a part of the narrative. Although panels need not be limited to the theme of the 2001 annual meeting, preference will be given to those panels and papers that reflect on the broad themes of narrative in historiography, interpretation, methodology, sources, and perspective.
The Program Committee for 2001 consists of Michael Bernstein (Univ. of California at San Diego), Barbara Hanawalt (Ohio State Univ.), John Brackett (Univ. of Cincinnati), Janet Ewald (Duke Univ.), Charlotte Furth (Univ. of Southern California), Lisbeth Hass (Univ. of California at Santa Cruz), Philippa Levine (Univ. of Southern California), Daniel Orlovsky (Southern Methodist Univ.), Donald Quataert (State Univ. of New York at Binghamton), Paul Ropp (Clark Univ.), Anthony Rotundo (Phillips Academy), Patricia Tracy (Williams Col!.), and Barbara Weinstein (State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook). The graduate assistant to the Program Committee is Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens (Univ. of California at San Diego).
There is only one deadline for submission: February 15, 2000. Any proposal postmarked after that date will not be considered. The committee will consider only complete panels or workshops (those that include all presenters, chair, and commentator). Because there is only one deadline, single-paper submissions cannot be considered. Last year’s experi ence showed that it is virtually impossible to find matches for single papers or form panels around them with the single, later deadline. There will be no “poster sessions.” Those who wish to put together panels might find H-Net useful in finding other panel members.
In preparing a proposal, you should consult the "Program Committee Guidelines (page 47). Panel proposers must use the cover sheet on page 42 (or a photocopy). Additional copies of all materials may be obtained from the AHA office with a request addressed to 2001 Materials, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889. (202) 544- 2422, ext. 104. Fax (202) 544-8307. E-mail:
All materials can also be found on the AHA's web site. Go to and click on "Annual Meeting."
All persons appearing on the program must be members of the AHA, the exceptions being foreign scholars and scholars from other disciplines. Only in exceptional circumstances will individuals be allowed to appear consecutively in the 2000 and 2001 program.
Please mail four copies of the complete proposal (including the cover sheet) to Michael Bernstein, Dept. of History, Univ. of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0104.
The e-mail addresses for the cochairs are: Michael Bernstein: and Barbara Hanawalt:
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