Publication Date

October 15, 2008

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Publications Sales ShopThe AHA would like to announce the launch of its new Publications Sales web site.  The AHA publishes over 90 different pamphlets, books, and directories covering a variety of issues related to the history profession.  This is the first time that the AHA has offered the sale of publications on the web and this web site will make it much easier to research and purchase AHA publications.  The web site will allow the AHA to keep publication related information as up to date as possible and provide faster service bringing our ordering process into the 21st century.  
The features of the new web site include:

  • Member discounts of 30%
  • Bulk discount of 20% when ordering 20 items or more.
  • Instant and secure processing using Paypal’s Verisign
  • Flat rate UPS shipping for faster delivery
  • Customer product reviews
  • Easy order tracking with the shopping cart tool
  • Customer wish list
  • 24 hour access to information and ordering
  • Easy Navigation
  • Featured products

Please visit the web site at and let us know what you think using the “contact us” feature, and remember to order your copy of the new directory.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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