The Association gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following friends and members who have made gifts to the Endowment Fund during the period November 1, 1995, through October 29, 1996. Gifts ranged from small amounts that rounded out membership remittances to larger contributions submitted separately. No matter the size of the donation, these contributions are testimony to AHA members’ continuing desire to further the interests of historians through the activities of the Association. Each contribution will play a role in supporting existing activities or in furthering new activities. We are sincerely grateful for these donations and hope that the coming year of 1997 inspires continued support. If we have overlooked anyone, please call us at (202) 544-2422 to let us know. Thank you very much.
Theodore Lee Agnew, Jr.
G.T. Armstrong
Lois A. Aroian
David M. Baird
Emily L.D. Baker
Suzanne W. Barnett
Robert L. Beisner
Michael Les Benedict
Albert J. Beveridge, III
Allison Blakeley
Dain E. Borges
Darcy J.D. Boulton
Shearer Davis Bowman
B.B. Brayfield
J.E. Browning
V.L. Bullough
Rand Burnette
James MacGregor Burns
Anthony E. Cahill
William Cheek
Robert W. Cherney
Paul G.E. Clemens
Kevin Colman
Evan W. Cornog
Eugene A. Davidson
Dawn Fogle Deaton
Vincent P. DeSantis
Virginia F. Devita
Maribel Dietz
A. Hunter Dupree
Michael H. Ebner
Dewey P. Fasnacht, Jr.
Gretchen Gaynor
David A. Gerber
Rosaline Goldin
Janet Groff Greever
Paul H. Hardacre
Jerry Hollis Harder
Louis R. Harlan
William J. HartIey
Sally Ann Hastings
Lawrence M. Hauptman
Charles W. Hayford
Gad J. Heuman
Nancy A. Hewitt
E. Brooks Higginbotham
Christine Holden
Ulle V. Holt
Douglas W. Houston
Rose Chan Houston
Gershon Hundert
John A. Hutchenson, Jr.
Alfreda L. Irwin
William Jannen, Jr.
Prescott Jennings, Jr.
Robert T. Jordon
Thomas Jordon
George W. Kahler
Susan Kempler
Susan K. Kent
Linda K. Kerber
Sarah Henry Lederman
Richard W. Leopold
Robert S. Lopez
Jackson T. Main
James Kirby Martin
Klaus D. Mayr
Michael W. McCahill
Timothy C. Miller
Allan R. Millett
Ransom E. Noble
Mary Beth Norton
Robert C. Olson
Harold T. Parker
Carla Rahn Phillips
Ted D. Proffitt, III
Diane A. Puklin
John M. Pyne
Robert E. Quigley
Valetin H. Rabe
Thoreau E. Raymond
Karen Reeds
Charles V. Reynolds, Jr.
Douglas L. Richert
Elaine G. Robison
Judith R. Ross
John M. Rozett
Josian Cox Russell
Cynthia E. Russett
Lionel J. Sanders
Edwin G. Sanford
James A. Schniechen
Arnold Schrier
Reinhold S. Schumann
Lois Green Schwoerer
Aristides Scoufelis
Patricia Connor Serine
Peter H. Shattuck
Charlene H. Shults
Catherine S. Silverman
Douglas Smith
Kenneth E. St. Clair
R. Vladimir Steffel
Phillip G. Stephens
Katherine H. Tachau
Louise A. Tilly
Melvin J. Tucker
William M. Tuttle, Jr.
Nicholas Varga
Joseph H. Vielbig
Robert D. Warth
Eugene A. Whitehouse
Stark Whiteley
Scott F. Wight
Kacy D. Wiggins
Thomas R. Williams
Stanley B. Winters
Astrid N. Witschi
Robert Wolfe
John W. Yarbrough
Peter J. Yearwoom
Joanna S. Zangrando
Robert L. Zangrando
Reginald E. Zelnik