Publication Date

December 1, 2001

The AHA's annual Job Register provides institutions and candidates with facilities and administrative support for position interviewing during the AHA annual meeting.

In accordance with AHA policy, which supports open listing of employment opportunities, the annual meeting Job Register facility will be open to all annual meeting participants.

You must register for the annual meeting in order to participate in the Job Register, the Book Exhibit, or any of the sessions. A preregistration form is on page 43 of this issue of Perspectives and is also included in the Annual Meeting Program. Hotel reservation information is on pages 44-45 of the October Perspectives. All forms are also available from the AHA office and the AHA web site. Rates for advanced registration: members $65; nonmembers $85; students/ unemployed $40; precollegiate teachers $15.


The Job Register and the interviewing tables will be in the San Francisco Hilton's Yosemite Room and Grand Ballroom Salon A. Job Register interview suites will be in the San Francisco Hilton.


Thursday, January 3, 12:30-6:00 p.m. (prearranged interviews only). Friday and Saturday, January 4 and 5, 9:00 a.m.-6:00p.m. Sunday, January 6, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. No exceptions to stated times will be permitted.


Reservation forms will be available beginning at the AHA web page All interviewing institutions must have a search committee member complete table or suite reservation forms to reserve up to two tables per day and/or one suite for one day only at the Job Register. Be sure to complete the forms, particularly the section for address, contact person, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Please type or print clearly, and be sure all information has been checked carefully before sending in your reservation request.

Job Register suites and tables are reserved on a first-come/first-served basis. Reservations received after the deadline of November 15, 2001, may not be considered. We recommend that interviewers overestimate the number of interview time slots they will need, as the rate of responses from job applicants tends to be higher than anticipated.

Suite Reservations. Due to space limitations during the annual meeting, we must limit each institution to one suite for one day only, unless extra suites become available. This limit will be strictly enforced. Suites will be rented at the rate of $80 per half day, and $140 per full day. Half-day reservations are available in four-hour blocks from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 to 5:00p.m. The suites are small conference-style rooms that are ideal for interviewing. Each suite is equipped with small tables chairs, bathroom, and closet. Suites are reserved only if prepaid by the deadline of November 15, 2001. We cannot hold suites if prepayment is not received. If you wish the Job Register staff to collect c.v.’s for you, please indicate this on the suite reservation form and attach a copy of the job description(s). If you are holding only prearranged interviews, you do not have to send a complete job description. However, please list the field and specialization so the position can be identified.

Keys for suites may be picked up at the Job Register information booth one-half hour before interviews are scheduled to begin. Do not ask hotel staff for suite keys.

Table Reservations.Up to two tables may be reserved at no cost for each day of the Job Register. If you wish the Job Register staff to collect c.v.’s for you, please indicate this on the table reservation form and attach a copy of the job description(s). If you are holding only prearranged interviews, you do not have to send a complete job description. However, please list the field and specialization so the position can be identified.

Noninterviewing Vacancy Announcements and Late Notices. Send in a noninterviewing job announcement by November 15, 2001, and we will include it in the Job Register handout. We will also have bulletin boards available for posting late-breaking notices. Bring four copies of each late-breaking job notice to the Job Register information table for posting.


Position Announcements. Each position notice will be listed in a handout available during the annual meeting. Positions are listed by geographic area, then by state, then by field or specialization. Some departments announcing positions will not interview at the Job Register, but will provide an address for further inquiries from candidates. Positions scheduled for interviews at the Job Register have generally, but not always, appeared as job advertisements in a fall issue of Perspectives.

Prearranged Interviews. After advertising their positions in Perspectives, most institutions will contact selected candidates to prearrange interviews at the Job Register. Candidates with pre- arranged interviews in an interview suite may proceed directly to the specified suite. If the prearranged interview is at a table, candidates will need to check in with the Table Monitors and wait to be called.

Institutions should prearrange specific times with interviewees; please do not simply tell interviewees to contact you at the meeting to set up a time. Although the two-way messaging system enhances communication between candidates and committees at the Job Register, it is generally less stressful for all concerned if interview times are set up and confirmed before the annual meeting.

Electronic Search Committee Locator System

This year the Job Register will implement an electronic database system designed to aid job candidates in finding the locations of interviews in all interviewing facilities: at tables, in Job Register suites, and privately arranged suites, whether or not an institution has filed a non-Job Register Facility Information form with the AHA.

The system will use large monitors to display a scrolling list of institutions and their interview locations if known. The system will also indicate whether an institution is currently collecting c.v.'s for any position. All information regarding changes in interview locations, times, and c.v. collection status will be instantly updated and appear solely on these monitors.

The old bulletin board system will be used only to display job descriptions for institutions that have decided to collect c.v.'s at the meeting, or who have posted new job descriptions requesting interested candidates to forward application materials to the school, after the deadline for inclusion in the Job Register Handout has passed. Please note: these billboards are intended for AHA Job Register information only. Any other material posted to the billboards will be removed.


  1. Read the Job Register Handout. Handouts provided at the annual meeting list all noninterviewing and interviewing position openings of institutions participating in the Job Register. Check the bulletin boards for late-breaking position announcements. Candidates should review the positions for which they are qualified and determine when they are available for an interview.
  2. Submit c.v.'s for positions of interest at school folder tables. Job Register staff will collect candidate c.v.'s at school folder tables, where the folders for each interviewing institution will be located. Candidates should submit one c.v. with an attached message sheet (provided by the Job Register) for each position for which they would like to interview.
  3. Check the two-way messaging system for responses to your c.v.'s. Institutions that have reviewed your c.v. and wish to set up an interview will contact you directly through the message system. Institutions not wishing to interview you at the meeting are asked to submit their response form to AHA staff, who will then send a standard decline message via the two-way messaging system.
  4. Come prepared with a sufficient supply of c.v.'s, paper, and pens. Please do not rely on copying facilities at the hotels. The prices are often high, and the lines can be quite long. Bring along your local telephone number (hotel room or other lodging) to write down on your message forms, as some schools may wish to contact you by phone.

Although many institutions may find they are overwhelmed with responses to their job listing, the AHA strongly urges schools to acknowledge the receipt of all c.v.'s. Such an action demonstrates professional courtesy and recognizes the efforts of fellow historians in a tight job market. Message forms should be returned to individual job candidate folders.

Please note that the Job Register staff will not sign up candidates for interviews. Staff will collect c.v. ‘s and place them in the appropriate folders. It will be the responsibility of the interviewers to contact the candidates and schedule interviews.


The AHA will make special arrangements with institutions conducting interviews outside of designated Job Register facilities. Unlike in past years, we will collect c.v.'s for institutions interviewing in privately arranged spaces, include position listings in the Job Register Handout, and provide candidates with all information given to the Job Register staff. To take part in this arrangement, you must agree to comply with the AHA's Guidelines for Interviewing, and consider the recommendations below.

Please return the appropriate form by November 15, 2001, providing a complete description for each position for which you will be interviewing, indicating whether you would like the AHA to collect c.v.'s or whether you will be conducting prearranged interviews only, and the location (hotel name and room number, if available).

Then check in with the Job Register staff beginning at 12:30 P.M. on Thursday, January 3, 2002. When you provide the staff with your interviewing room number, you will be asked to sign a form indicating your willingness to comply with AHA recommendations and guidelines. The AHA will only provide this information to participants registered for the annual meeting. Please inform your interviewees that they must show their registration badge to the Job Register staff to receive information about schools conducting interviews in non-Job Register facilities. The AHA accepts no responsibility for the misuse of this information by candidates.


Although the AHA recognizes that the ideal interviewing environment is a parlor room, the Association realizes this is not always possible. If it is necessary for an institution to conduct interviews in a regular hotel room, the AHA strongly encourages interviewing institutions to ensure

  1. that the interviewing committee has both genders represented;
  2. that there is proper seating for job candidates and all interviewers. No one should be seated on a bed. It is the institution's responsibility to contact the hotel in advance of the meeting to arrange for extra seating; it is the AHA's responsibility to notify hotels that institutions will request banquet chairs and that they should be provided gratis; and
  3. that candidates and the Job Register staff are advised where the interviews will be held.

Institutions are particularly urged to

  • pay careful attention to interview space, whether parlor/suite or bedroom is used.
  • advise the hotel when the reservation is made that additional seating will be needed.
  • ask the hotel's housekeeping department to clean the room before interviewing begins.
  • ensure that all interviews and candidates have proper seating and that no one sits on a bed.
  • keep Job Register personnel informed where interviews are taking place.

Because of its size, the AHA Job Register can be confusing and stressful. To make the process as smooth as possible, we strongly recommend that institutions and candidates prearrange all interviews before the annual meeting.

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