Publication Date

October 10, 2017

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

The is pleased to announce the winners of its 2017 prizes, to be awarded at the 132nd annual meeting in Washington, DC, January 4–7, 2018. The ceremony will be held on Thursday, January 4, in the Omni Shoreham Hotel’s Palladian Ballroom at 7:00 pm, immediately following the meeting’s welcome reception. 

The AHA offers annual prizes honoring exceptional books, distinguished teaching and mentoring in the classroom, public history, and other historical projects. Since 1896, the Association has conferred over a thousand awards. This year’s finalists were selected from a field of over 1,300 entries by nearly 100 dedicated prize committee members. The names, publications, and projects of those who received these awards are a catalog of the best work produced in the historical discipline. Please join us at the ceremony in January to honor this year’s recipients.

Awards for Publications

The Herbert Baxter Adams Prizefor an author’s first book in European history from 1815 through the 20th century

Max Bergholz (Concordia Univ.) for Violence as a Generative Force: Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community (Cornell Univ. Press, 2016)

The George Louis Beer Prize in European international history since 1895

Erik Linstrum (Univ. of Virginia) for Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire (Harvard Univ. Press, 2016)

The Jerry Bentley Prize in world history

Jeffrey James Byrne (Univ. of British Columbia) for Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization, and the Third World Order (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The Albert J. Beveridge Award on the history of the United States, Latin America, or Canada, from 1492 to the present

David A. Chang (Univ. of Minnesota) for The World and All the Things upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration (Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2016)

The James Henry Breasted Prize in any field of history prior to CE 1000

Alain Bresson (Univ. of Chicago) and Steven Rendall, trans. (freelance) for The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States (Princeton Univ. Press, 2016)

The Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for the best article published in a history department journal written by an undergraduate student

Maxwell Ulin (Yale Univ., BA 2017), faculty advisor: Glenda Gilmore (Yale Univ.), for “Dixie Turns Within: The United Nations and the Fall of Southern Internationalism,” Yale Historical Review (Spring 2016)

The John H. Dunning Prize for an author’s first or second book on any subject relating to United States history

Matthew Karp (Princeton Univ.) for This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy (Harvard Univ. Press, 2016)

The John K. Fairbank Prize for East Asian history since 1800

Christopher Goscha (Univ. du Québec à Montréal) for Vietnam: A New History (Basic Books, 2016)

The Morris D. Forkosch Prize in the field of British, British imperial, or British Commonwealth history since 1485

Laura A. M. Stewart (Univ. of York, UK) for Rethinking the Scottish Revolution: Covenanted Scotland, 1637–1651 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The Leo Gershoy Award in the fields of 17th- and 18th-century western European history

Renaud Morieux (Univ. of Cambridge) for The Channel: England, France, and the Construction of a Maritime Border in the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016)

The William and Edwyna Gilbert Award for the best article in a journal, magazine, or other serial on teaching history

Laura K. Muñoz (Texas A&M Univ.-Corpus Christi) for “Civil Rights, Educational Inequality, and Transnational Takes on the US History Survey,” History of Education Quarterly 56, no. 1 (February 2016)

The J. Franklin Jameson Award for the editing of historical primary sources

The late Karsten Friis-Jensen, ed., and Peter Fisher, trans., for Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum: The History of the Danes, 2 vols. (Oxford Univ. Press, 2015)

The Friedrich Katz Prize in Latin American and Caribbean history

Jane E. Mangan (Davidson Coll.) for Transatlantic Obligations: Creating the Bonds of Family in Conquest-Era Peru and Spain (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The Joan Kelly Memorial Prize for women’s history and/or feminist theory

Sarah Haley (UCLA) for No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2016)

The Martin A. Klein Prize in African history

Mustafah Dhada (California State Univ., Bakersfield) for The Portuguese Massacre of Wiriyamu in Colonial Mozambique, 1964–2013 (Bloomsbury, 2016)

The Littleton-Griswold Prize in US law and society, broadly defined

Risa Goluboff (Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Law) for Vagrant Nation: Police Power, Constitutional Change, and the Making of the 1960s (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The J. Russell Major Prize for French history

Rafe Blaufarb (Florida State Univ.) for The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize in Italian history or Italian-American relations

Paul Garfinkel (Simon Fraser Univ.) for Criminal Law in Liberal and Fascist Italy (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016)

The George L. Mosse Prize in the intellectual and cultural history of Europe since 1500

James T. Kloppenberg (Harvard Univ.) for Toward Democracy: The Struggle for Self-Rule in European and American Thought (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The John E. O’Connor Film Award for outstanding interpretations of history through film

Documentary: I Am Not Your Negro, Raoul Peck, director; Rémi Grellety and Hébert Peck, producers (Velvet Film, 2016)

Dramatic Feature: Free State of Jones, Gary Ross, director; Jon Kilik and Scott Stuber, producers (Bluegrass Films, Larger Than Life Productions, Route One Entertainment, and Vendian Entertainment, 2016)

The Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize in the history of journalism

Amelia Bonea (Univ. of Oxford) for The News of Empire: Telegraphy, Journalism, and the Politics of Reporting in Colonial India, c. 1830–1900 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

The James A. Rawley Prize for the integration of Atlantic worlds before the 20th century

David Wheat (Michigan State Univ.) forAtlantic Africa and the Spanish Caribbean, 1570–1640 (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2016)

The John F. Richards Prize for South Asian history

Audrey Truschke (Rutgers Univ.) for Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court (Columbia Univ. Press, 2016)

The Dorothy Rosenberg Prize in the history of the Jewish diaspora

Roger Horowitz (Hagley Library/Univ. of Delaware) for Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food (Columbia Univ. Press, 2016)

The Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History to a freely available new media project

Keisha N. Blain (Univ. of Pittsburgh) and Ibram X. Kendi (American Univ.) for Black Perspectives (African American Intellectual History Society)

The Wesley-Logan Prize in African diaspora history

Sowande’ M. Mustakeem (Washington Univ. in St. Louis) for Slavery at Sea: Terror, Sex, and Sickness in the Middle Passage (Univ. of Illinois Press, 2016)

Awards for Scholarly and Professional Distinction

The Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award for outstanding postsecondary history teaching

Laura M. Westhoff (Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis)

The Beveridge Family Teaching Prize for distinguished K–12 history teaching

Gustavo Carrera (Buckingham Browne and Nichols Sch.)

Equity Awards for individuals and institutions that have achieved excellence in recruiting and retaining underrepresented racial and ethnic groups into the historic profession

Lorena Oropeza (Univ. of California, Davis)

The Herbert Feis Award for distinguished contributions to public history

Lonnie G. Bunch III (Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture)

The Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award for teachers of history who taught, guided, and inspired their students in a way that changed their lives

Kelsey Kauffman (Former Higher Education Program, Indiana Women’s Prison)

The Honorary Foreign Member for a foreign scholar who is distinguished in his or her field and who has “notably aided the work of American historians”

Patrick Fridenson (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociale)

The Award for Scholarly Distinction to senior historians for lifetime achievement

Richard S. Dunn (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

John Merriman (Yale Univ.)

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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