The American Historical Review has now completed its transition to the University of Chicago Press web site. Recent issues started appearing on the site in the beginning of November, and now a number of advanced features have been added, making the new AHR fully available. Over the next few weeks, additional content will be added to the site, filling in the gap between the current issue and the last issue available through JSTOR.
As in the past, the basic text of AHR articles will be free to the public to enhance discoverability of new history scholarship. However, the full content, including articles in enhanced pdf format and book reviews, will be available to AHA members only. Member access to the AHR is available via the AHA’s existing member service login page on the web site. Members who login will also have the opportunity to register with the University of Chicago Press to take advantage other advanced features, including e-mail alerts about new issues, creating saved searches and having the results of those searches periodically e-mailed. There is also an option to keep a list of ”favorite” articles for easy access in the future. News alerts via RSS feeds are also available. Finally, a “download to citation manager” feature also makes it easy to coordinate with an assortment of electronic footnote managers.
The staffs of the AHA and the University of Chicago Press have been at work for more than a year to complete this transition. We hope that you will check out the new electronic version of the AHR and let us know what you think.
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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