Publication Date

May 1, 2009

Perspectives Section


The vice president of the AHA’s Teaching Division, Karen Halttunen (Univ. of Southern California), and 11 other members of the Association were among the 182 artists, scholars, scientists, and writers who were awarded one of the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowships, which recognize and sustain “stellar achievement and exceptional promise for continued accomplishment.” The results of the 85th annual competition, which had more than 3,000 applicants from the United States and Canada region, were announced on April 8, 2009, by Edward Hirsch, the president of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Apart from Halttunen, whose research project is entitled “New England Groundwork: Nature, History, and Local Place, 1790–1876,” the other AHA members who received a fellowship are (with their project titles following the institutional affiliation): Robert Beachy (Goucher Coll.), “Homosexuality in Nazi Germany”; Kate Brown (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County), “The Tandem History of the Secret Cities Plutonium Built”; Annette Gordon-Reed (New York Law School and Rutgers Univ.), “Monticello Legacies in the ‘New Age’”; Amy Greenberg (Penn State Univ.), “The 1846 U.S.-Mexico War”;Benjamin Carter Hett (Hunter Coll. and the Graduate Center, CUNY), “A Cultural History of the Reichstag Fire”; Noel Lenski (Univ. of Colorado), “A History of Slavery in Late Antiquity”; Mae M. Ngai (Columbia Univ.), “The Chinese Mining Diaspora, 1848–1908”; Tara Nummedal (Brown Univ.), “Alchemy, Apocalypse, and Gender in Reformation Europe”; Leslie Peirce (New York Univ.), “Abduction and the Politics of Sexuality in the Ottoman World”; Carla Gardina Pestana (Miami Univ.), “Atlantic origins of Imperialism”; and Jacob Soll (Rutgers Univ.), “The Enlightenment Library and the Quest for Universal Knowledge.” In addition, there were, among the recipients of the fellowships, several other historians who are not currently members of the AHA, and many social scientists and humanities scholars who are pursuing research on historical topics. The complete list of U.S. and Canadian fellows is available online at The foundation also awards similar annual fellowships to applicants from Latin America and the Caribbean. These will be announced later in the spring.

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