Dear AHA Members:
I am writing to you in my capacity as the chair of the 1996 Nominating Committee to encourage you to recommend potential candidates for president-elect and the Council, divisions, and committees. The members of the Nominating Committee want you to know that we welcome and seriously consider every recommendation we receive from the membership. Your participation is important because the committee has the charge of creating a slate of individuals who represent both professional excellence and the many different membership constituencies of the AHA. We aim for balance among the numerous areas including fields of research, types of institutions, regions of the country, gender, race, career development, and expertise suited to the work of the committees and offices. The nine-member Nominating Committee cannot possibly have in-depth knowledge of every single constituency, so please contact us if you notice an area that is underrepresented.
In making your nominations, keep in mind the following points as you consider the list of present officers and open positions. (See October Perspectives, p. 7, for a listing of current officers and fields).
- All candidates for office must be members of the Association.
- The committee rotates the nomination of the president-elect among specialists in the histories of the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world. We ask your assistance this year in identifying candidates who specialize in areas other than the United States or Europe. We are particularly interested in specialists in Africa, but also in Asia and Latin America.
- This year we particularly seek nominations of ABDs.
- Except for the Council and the Nominating Committee, in which some overlap is necessary, we normally seek candidates whose fields will not already be represented on a specific committee when the new term begins.
- We normally seek-candidates whose institutions will not already be represented on any of the committees when the new term begins. Therefore, potential candidates should not be currently employed at the following institutions:
Univ. of Arizona
Brandeis Univ.
Brooklyn Coli., City Univ. of New York
Univ. of California at Berkeley
Univ. of California at Los Angeles
Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Chicago Historical Society
Univ. of Cincinnati
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Columbia Univ.
Cornell Univ.
Drew Univ.
Duke Univ.
Guilford Technical Community Coli.
Harvard Univ.
Univ. of Houston
Huntington Library
Lake Forest Coli.
Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst
Univ. of Michigan
Univ. of Minnesota
New York Univ.
Northwestern Univ.
Univ. of Pittsburgh
Rutgers Univ.
St. Mary’s Coli. of Maryland
Stanford Univ.
Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Wayne State Univ.
Wilson Magnet High School
Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison
Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Yale Univ.
You are welcome to recommend yourself as well as your colleagues. Please send a brief explanation of why you believe the person you are recommending would be a good candidate for a specific office. Short c.v.’s (1-5 pages) are welcome for study by members of the committee in other fields of research. Recommendations should be sent to the Nominating Committee, Attn: Sharon K. Tune, American Historical Association, 400 A SI., S.E., Washington, DC 20003. They may also be sent via fax to (202) 544-8307.
Jose Cuello (Wayne State Univ.)
Chair, 1996 Nominating Committee