Publication Date

April 10, 2007

Perspectives Section

News, Perspectives Daily

Sixteen AHA members are among the 189 artists, scholars, and scientists selected this year (out of 2,800 possible candidates) to receive the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowships.
The AHA members honored this year (and to whom hearty congratulations are offered!) are:

  • Warwick Anderson (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison), the science of race mixing in the 20th century
  • Thomas James Dandelet (Univ. of California at Berkeley), the Colonna of Rome, 1500–1700
  • Heide Fehrenbach (Northern Illinois Univ.), how World War II remade the family
  • Neil Foley (Univ. of Texas at Austin), civil rights in Texas and the Southwest, 1940–65
  • Gail Hershatter (Univ. of California at Santa Cruz), rural women and China’s collective past
  • Dina Rizk Khoury (George Washington Univ.), war and remembrance in Iraq
  • Philippa Levine (Univ. of Southern California), the evolution debates
  • Pamela O. Long (independent historian), engineering, power, and knowledge in Rome, 1560–90
  • Sara Tilghman Nalle (William Paterson Univ.), a new history of the Spanish family, 1520–1720
  • Mary Louise Roberts (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison), history of the American military presence in France, 1944–45
  • Daniel T. Roberts (Princeton Univ.), the transformation in social thought in 1980s America
  • Teofilo Ruiz (UCLA), festivals, rituals, and power in late medieval and early modern Spain
  • Robert O. Self (Brown Univ.), gender and sexuality in America from Watts to Reagan
  • Mark D. Steinberg (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), landscapes of the modern in fin de siècle St. Petersburg
  • Cynthia Talbot (Univ. of Texas at Austin), the medieval Indian past
  • Bernard Wasserstein (Univ. of Chicago), Jewish intellectuals in postwar Europe.

The Guggenheim Fellowships are awarded annually to recognize both “distinguished achievement in the past and exceptional promise for future accomplishment.” Applications in 78 different fields are considered for the fellowships, from the natural sciences to the creative arts. The new fellows include writers, playwrights, painters, sculptors, photographers, film makers, choreographers, physical and biological scientists, social scientists, historians, and other scholars in the humanities. Many of the winners hold appointments in colleges and universities with 77 institutions being represented by one or more fellows while 51 of the fellows either have no affiliation with academic institutions or hold only adjunct positions in them.

Since 1925 the Guggenheim Foundation has granted over $256 million in fellowships to more than 16,250 individuals, including such distinguished figures as Ansel Adams, W.H. Auden, Aaron Copland, Langston Hughes, Vladimir Nabokov, Linus Pauling, Wendy Wasserstein, Derek Walcott, James Watson, and Eudora Welty.

Based on a Guggenheim Foundation Press Release

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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