Publication Date

December 1, 1995

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

Editor’s Note: The American Historical Association would like to thank the following individuals and organizations who have contributed since mid-August to the AHA’s Cincinnati Fund. Their contributions have helped to offset AHA expenses in moving the 1995 annual meeting site from Cincinnati to Chicago. The contributors’ thoughtfulness and concern for the Association is greatly appreciated. The income raised through their donations will allow the Association to continue, rather than to curtail, its projects in the fields of research, teaching, and the professional affairs of the history discipline. The AHA is, of course, also grateful to those who contributed to the Cincinnati Fund before mid-August. A list of those contributors’ names was included with a late-summer mailing to AHA members. If we have overlooked anyone, either in this list or in our earlier mailing, we would like to know. If you contributed after mid-August and before November 1 and assented to having your name published but do not see it below, please call us. Our telephone number is (202) 544-2422. We apologize for listing the Coordinating Council for Women in History and Judith MacKenzie Bennett incorrectly in our first listing.

Joyce Appleby
A. Tom Grunfeld
Arthur F. McClure II
Dorothy Ross
Annette Atkins
Louis R. Harlan
Richard P. McCormick
George Sanchez
James M. Bergquist
Donna Harsch
Christel G. McDonald
Regina Morantz-Sanchez
Allison Blakely
Michael R. Hayse
Tamara McNeill
Arnold Schrier
John M. Brandt
Nancy Hewitt
Jacobs D. Melish
John A Schutz
Judith C. Brown
Claudia Hirsch
Isadore Mendel
John A. Scott
Alice Browne
A William Hoglund
Ann Mann Millin
Colleen Seguin
Kenneth W. Chase
Alton Hornsby, Jr.
Maria Mitchell
Robert Shaffer
George Chauncey
M. Anore Horton
Franco Mormando, S. J.
Richard M. Shain
Nikolaos A Chrissidis
Elizabeth Hovey
Evalyn A. Clark
William R. Hutchison
Elizabeth Cohen
Reed Hutner
Brian Cowan
Anna R. Igra
Gerald A. Danzer
Charles D. Jacobson
Adrian F. Davis
Victoria Kahn
Jane S. De Hart
Emile Karafiol
Martin Duberman
James Krippner-Martinez
Thomas Dublin
Uldis Kruze
Robert S. DuPlessis
J. R. Lambertz
Paul Farber
Robyn Lee
Nancy Fitch
Darrell E. Levi
V.P. Franklin
Barbara Loomis
Rosaline Goldin
Keith P. Luria
Glennon Graham
Shulamith Magnus
Glenna H. Graves
Gloria L. Main
Michael Green
Jackson T. Main
Nancy L. Green
Thomas Manning
Atina Grossman
Joyce Mastboom
Gary Murrell
Anthony A Newcomb
William L. North
Maura O’Connor
Karen Offen
Anne M. Ousterhout
J.B. Owens
Don Palm
Theda Perdue
Allyson M. Poska
G. Robina Quale
Marguerite Renner
Robert W. Richgels
Martin Ridge
Patrick Riordan
Stephen Robertson
David K. Robinson
Paul A. Rodell
Jill D. Snider
Richard Sobel
Jayne Spencer
Lyn Spillman
Margaret Strobel
Susan Mosher Stuard
C. Eric Thomas
Darlene M. Walk
Chris Waters
Terry Wilfong
David G. Wilkins
Michael Wilson
Christine D. Worobec
C. Conrad Wright
John Yarbrough
Robert L. Zangrando
Reginald E. Zelnik
Lionel Ziprin