Publication Date

December 1, 1992

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The Association gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following friends and members who have made gifts to the Endowment Fund during the period of October 26, 1991 through October 31, 1992.

Gifts range from small amounts that often round off the amount of a membership remittance, to larger contributions sent in separately. No matter the size of the donation, these contributions are testimony to AHA members’ continuing desire of furthering the interests of historians through the activities of the Association. Each contribution plays a role in supporting existing activities and expanding new activities. We are sincerely grateful for these donations and hope that the coming year of 1993 inspires continued support.

Theodore Lee Agnew, Jr.
Marion Rice Andersen
Lois A. Aroian
G.T. Armstrong
Ivan Avakumovic
Paul H. Avrich
Sharon A. Ayers
James M. Banner
Daniel A. Baugh
Michael L. Benedict
Nettie Lee Benson
Jerry H. Bentley
Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr.
Albert J. Beveridge III
Richard J.M. Blackett
Jo Blochowiak
Maxwell H. Bloomfield
Dain E. Borges
Shearer Davis Bowman
Darcy J. Braddock
B.B. Brayfield
Walter D. Brown
John E. Browning
Mark A. Burkholder
David Burner
Mark T. Campbell
Emily Carr
Berenice A. Carroll
Eugene K. Chamberlin
Antoinette Ciolli
Alice L. Cochran
Joel Colton
Philip W. Coombe
Mark H. Curtis
F.R. Czerwinski
Eugene A. Davidson
Natalie Zemon Davis
Vincent P. DeSantis
Gifford B. Doxsee
David Drinkwater-Lunn
Steve Duke
Richard S. Dunn
Kenneth C. Dwinnel
Michael Ebner
Bruce Francis Elchison
Paula Eldot
Weldon A. Ernest
David R. Estlow
Daniel B. Fegley
Willard A. Fletcher
Franklin Lewis Ford
John A. Garraty
David A. Gerber
John C. Gogliettino
Rosaline Goldin
Rebecca G. Goodman
Sarah B. Gordon
Terrence J. Gough
Leroy P. Graf
Paul H. Hardacre
Randall E. Ham
Jerry Hollis Harder
Louis R. Harlan
Michael J. Harpke
Barbara J. Harris
William D. Harshaw
Susan M. Hartmann
Sally Ann Hastings
Charles W. Hayford
Frederich E. Heilman
John M. Hemphill
George Herrmann
Donald B. Hoffman
Robert B. Holtman
Douglas W. Houston
Rose C. Houston
Thomas P. Hughes
Philip C. Huntley
John A. Hutcheson, Jr.
J. Irgang
Kenneth T. Jackson
Prescott Jennings, Jr.
Vincent C. Jones
Frances Gay Joyce
George W. Kahler
S. Barbara Penny Kanner
Jules Alexander Karlin
Mary Frear Keeler
Ray A. Kelch
Susan Kempler
Heinrich Kessler
Cornelius J. Kiley
Arthur H. Kinnard, Jr.
Richard S. Kirkendall
David Krajcovic
James Krukones
George W. Kyte
William A. Larsen
Pierre Henri Laurent
Thomas H. Leduc
Maurice Dupont Lee, Jr.
Richard W. Leopold
Leo Loubere
Christopher H. Lutz
Donald J. Manning
Carol A. Marsh
Margaret S. Marsh
C. Henry Marston
James K. Martin
Mary Jo Maynes
J.J. McDonough, Jr.
John W. McDowell
Samuel T. McSeveney
Michael McTighe
Gerald H. Meaker
Thomas C. Mendehall II
Grace Meyer
Carol M. Miller
Eric Miller
David C. Moore
Michael Mullin
Ransom E. Noble
Mary Beth Norton
Ronald E. Osborne
Gerhard Ottersberg
J. Norman Parmer
Elisabeth Perry
Harold Pinkett
Forrest C. Pogue
William Preston
Diane A. Puklin
Barbara N. Ramusak
Sidney Ratner
Thoreau E. Raymond
James F. Reilly
Charles V. Reynolds, Jr.
Elaine G. Robison
Raymond G. Rocca
Emily Rose
Mark H. Rose
Walter S. Rosenberry III
Dorothy Ross
Elaine Ryder
Gary B. Sanders
Edwin G. Sanford
Lionel J. Sanders
Lowell T. Sayre
Arnold Schrier
Kathleen B. Schmidt
Lois Green Schwoerer
Aristides Scoufelis
Gene Sessions
Boyd C. Shafer
Paul L. Silver
E. Morris Sider
Catherine S. Silverman
Catherine S. Sims
William H. Smith
James K. Somerville
R. Vladimir Steffel
Donald F. Stevens
Kathleen A. Sullivan
Stephen J.C. Taylor
Gerrit J. Tenzythoff
John J. TePaske
Edward Thaden
Patricia Thevenet
Louise A. Tilly
Edmund N. Todd
Carl Trucki
Melvin J. Tucker
Melvin I. Urofsky
Monica M. Van Beusekoma
David D. Van Tassel
Joseph H. Vielbig
Ruben E. Weltsch
Mark J. White
Eugene A. Whitehouse
Richard F. Whittemore
Ruth H. Willard
David W. Willis
John C. Willis
Stanley Winters
Christopher B. With
Astrid N. Witschi
Robert Wolfe
Charles T. Wood
Phyllis Woodworth
John W. Yarbrough
Peter J. Yearwood
Joanna S. Zangrando
Robert L. Zangrando