The Association gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following friends and members who have made gifts to the Endowment Fund during the period of October 24, 1987 through October 31, 1988. Gifts range, from small amounts that often round off the amount of a membership remittance, to larger contributions sent in separately. Despite the size of the donation, these contributions, are testimony to AHA members’ continuing desire of furthering the interests of historians through the activities of their Association. Each contribution plays a role in supporting existing activities and expanding into new activities. We are sincerely grateful for these donations and hope that the coming year of 1989 inspires continued support. The following are endowment contributors:
Fredrick Aandahl
Jack Abramowitz, Jr.
Theodore Lee Agnew, Jr.
C. Crosby Allen
Marion Rice Andersen
Lois A. Aroian
L.L. Barlow
Samuel H. Baron
Whitney Bates
Daniel A. Baugh
Henry P. Beers
Michael L. Benedict
Nettie Lee Benson
Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr.
Gloria C. Biles
Albert E. Blumberg
Louis H. Blumengarten
Martin Blumenson
John Bowditch
Robert H. Bremner
Carol R. Brosnan
Karin Brown
Stanley E. Brush
James E. Bunce
Mark A. Burkholder
Hans W. Burmeister
David Burner
Rand Burnette
Christopher M. Burns
Sidney A. Burrell
Philip Cash
Ellmore A. Champie
Antoinette Ciolli
Thomas Cohen
Joel Colton
Robert G. Colton
Frank F. Conlon
Jill K. Conway
Philip W. Coombe
Jonathan Coopersmith
Edith B. Couturier
Marcus F. Cunliffe
Mark H. Curtis
F.R. Czerwinski
Eugene A. Davidson
Mollie C. Davis
Natalie Zemon Davis
David Drinkwater-Lunn
Mary Marles Dunn
R.S. Dunn
Kenneth C. Dwinell
Paula Eldot
D.C. Ellinwood
Antoinette Emch-Deriaz
David R. Estlow
Gerald D. Feldman
Mark S. Feldman
Albert R. Ferguson
Carter V. Findley
Willard A. Fletcher
Patrick A. Folk
Marianne B. Geiger
Richard A. Gerberding
Guy J. Gibson
John C. Gogliettino
Rosaline Goldin
Allen Goldman
Rebecca G. Goodman
Frances W. Gregory
Frances L. Harrold
William D. Harshaw
Lawrence M. Hauptman
Alfred F. Havighurst
Charles W. Hayford
Frederich E. Heilman
Gad J. Heuman
Christine Holden
Philip C. Huntley
Frank B. Hurt
Reed A. Hutner
Alfreda L. Irwin
Prescott Jennings, Jr.
Douglas H. Johnson
K.M. Johnson
Vincent C. Jones
Melvin Kalfus Jules
Alexander Karlin
Solomon Katz
Stanley N. Katz
Linda K. Kerber
Heinrich Kessler
F.A. Kierman, Jr.
Arthur H. Kinnard, Jr.
Susan E. Klepp
Hans G. Knausel
Pierre Henri Laurent
James M. Laux
Maurice Lee, Jr.
Richard W. Leopold
Moshe Levine
Emil Lucki
Everett R. Macke
Gloria L. Main
Donald J. Manning
Carol A. Marsh
David W. Maxey
James McCabe
Samuel T. McSeveney
Michael McTighe
Gerald H. Meaker
Allan R. Millett
William R. Mood
David C. Moore
Richard B. Morris
John F. Murphy, Jr.
Emiliana P. Noether
Mary Beth Norton
Ynez V. O’Neill
Harold T. Parker
George W. Phillips
John F. Piper, Jr.
Forrest C. Pogue
William Preston, Jr.
Diane A. Puklin
Robert E. Quigley
Valentin H. Rabe
Stephen Ratcliffe
Thoreau E. Raymond
Karen Reeds
James F. Reilly
George L. Robson, Jr.
William R. Rock
Walter S. Rosenberry, III
Benjamin Rowe
Frank J. Russ
Sandra Lee Rux
Lionel J. Sanders
Lowell J. Satre
Harry N. Scheiber
Kathleen Bergan Schmidt
Arnold Schrier
Lois Green Schwoerer
Aristides Scoufelis
Richard Seabold
Melvin C. Shefftz
Winyss A. Shepard
Caroline M.C. Shipley
Arthur Silver
Catherine Silverman
Catherine S. Sims
William H. Smith
DeWitt Asiel Stern
Felix F. Strauss
Charles F. Strong
Susan Agnes Stussy
Gerrit J. Tenzythoff
John J. TePaske
Hilah F. Thomas
Melvin J. Tucker
David D. Van Tassel
Joseph H. Vielbig
Michael E. Waltz
Helen Weckowicz-Liebel
Jacqueline M.W. Weisheit
Rubem E. Weltsch
Eugene A. Whitehouse
Richard F. Whittemore
Ruth Hendricks Willard
Stanley B. Winters
Astrid N. Witschi
Hazel C. Wolf
C.T. Wood
C. Conrad Wright
Wen-Asing Yeh
Jamil Zainaldin
Joanna S. Zangrando
Robert L. Zangrando