At its meetings of January 6 and 9, 2000, the Council of the AHA
- Approved recommendations from the Committee on Committees for new committee appointments. See March issue of Perspectives or AHA’s web site.
- Created a permanent Committee on Part-Time and Adjunct Employment and directed the committee to define modalities to be brought to Council at its spring meeting.
- Endorsed the Research Division's recommendation to participate in the History Cooperative, a joint venture with the Organization of American Historians, the National Academy Press, and the University of Illinois Press for producing an electronic version of the American Historical Review and the Journal of American History.
- Approved the Research Division's recommendation to accept the J. Russell Major Prize for a distinguished book in French history to be awarded annually.
- Approved the Research Division's recommendation to modify the terms of service of the Albert B. Corey Prize Committee from two- to four-year terms.
- Approved the Research Division's proposed revisions to the AHA's Policy on Prizes. A change to the second guideline asks that prizes be defined with sufficient breadth to generate a solid pool of applicants. A change to the third guideline makes explicit the division's preference that potential contributors are encouraged to endow funds to support young scholars instead of creating new book prizes. The revised policy will be listed on the AHA's web site.
- Approved the Research Division's recommendation to appoint Anand Yang (Univ. of Utah) as chair of the 2003 Program Committee.
- Discussed the American Council of Learned Societies' (ACLS) "Electronic Monographs Initiative: The HistorE Book Project" and agreed to cooperate with ACLS by enlisting authors for the publication of 85 new electronic monographs.
- Approved the Teaching Division's recommendation to double the AHA's contribution to the Eugene Asher Prize from $250 to $500. The Society for the History of Education, cosponsor of the prize, has also doubled its contribution, bringing the total prize amount to $1,000.
- Deferred plans to develop a process for conferring "Certificates of Distinction" for high school survey textbooks and approved, instead, a plan for recruiting teachers to write and publish reviews of high school textbooks in world and U.S. history.
- Agreed to encourage all institutions with candidates on the job market to conduct mock interviews on their campuses, including posting a recommendation to do so on the history department chairs’ listserv.
- Noted that Michael Grossberg, editor of the American Historical Review, will be on leave for the 2000–01 academic year. Current associate editor Jeff Wasserstrom will serve as acting editor, and Indiana University faculty member Dror Wahrman will serve as associate editor beginning August 1, 2000.
- Deferred consideration of a petition, pending a more fully defined concept of "diversity," from the American Philosophical Association's Committee on the Status of Women in order to encourage the National Research Council to include diversity in its criteria for ranking graduate programs.
- Approved a recommendation from the Committee on Minority Historians to modify categories on the AHA's membership renewal form to be consistent with the terminology used by the U.S. Census.
- Approved the creation of a Committee on Graduate Education. The committee membership includes: Colin Palmer, chair, CUNY Graduate School, Thomas Bender, NYU; Constance Berman, Univ. of Iowa; Ramón Gutiérrez, Univ. of California at San Diego; Nadine Hata, El Camino Community Coll. (Teaching Division Representative); Lynn Hunt, UCLA; Theresa Mah, Bowling Green Univ. (Task Force on Graduate Education (TFGE) Representative); Ernest Simmons, Univ. of California at Berkeley (TFGE Representative); and Kristin Stapleton, Univ. of Kentucky .
- Authorized staff to publish a membership directory for inclusion in the Directory of History Departments and Organizations.
- Agreed to continue an "expanded" format for the Executive Committee with the recently elected vice president of the Research Division, Gabrielle Spiegel, serving in ex officio capacity with members: Eric Foner, Wm. Roger Louis, Robert Darnton, Leon Fink, Barbara Metcalf, and Arnita Jones, ex officio.
- Confirmed the composition of the Finance Committee for 2000: Eric Foner, Wm. Roger Louis, Robert Darnton, Barbara Metcalf, and Nadine Hata, with Arnita Jones, Michael Grossberg, and Randy Norell serving ex officio.
- Approved the following rotational pattern (depending on availability) for annual meeting sites: 2005, West Coast (possible sites: Anaheim, Long Beach, San Diego, Seattle); 2006, East Coast (possible sites: New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia); 2007, Midwest (possible site: Atlanta); and 2008, Washington, D.C.
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