Publication Date

July 22, 2009

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

Winterthur Fall InstituteThe AHA’s online calendar lists upcoming meetings and seminars, research opportunities, awards and fellowships, internet resources, and exhibitions. Contribute your own announcement through this online form. Below we offer snippets of some of the current listings. See the online calendar for more information and contact details for these listings, as well as many more upcoming events and opportunities.

Meetings and Seminars

  • Winterthur Fall Institute
    Winterthur Fall Institute is a two-week course on the decorative arts in America and is designed to appeal to students, museum professionals, collectors, appraisers, dealers and interior decorators, among others. Fall session (September 20-October 2) concentrates on the decorative arts made and used in America from 1783-1930. Application deadline is July 27, 2009.
  • Ladies Workbasket Workshop Series
    Historic Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, Tennessee, will host a full day of crafts, guest instructors and a tea luncheon August 22nd from 9 am to 4:30 pm.

Calls for Abstracts and Papers

  • New England Renaissance Conference
    The upcoming New England Renaissance Conference, “Value and Judgment in the Renaissance,” will focus on how developing technologies changed, challenged, and reinforced concepts of value and judgment in the Renaissance. Please send abstracts of 250-500 words by August 1, 2009.
  • Southeast World History Association Conference
    The Southeast World History Association (SEWHA), a regional affiliate of the World History Association, invites submissions for its 21st Annual Conference, at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, from October 29-31, 2009. The deadline for submissions is August 1, 2009.
  • New Perspectives in American Freemasonry and Fraternalism
    “New Perspectives on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism” will take place Friday, April 9, 2010 at the National Heritage Museum in Lexington, Massachusetts.  Deadline for proposals to be received is August 15, 2009.

Awards and Fellowships

  • Snell Prize in European History of the Southern Historical Association for Graduate Student Papers
    This award is given annually to the graduate student with the best seminar research paper in European history. The award carries a stipend of $150 and one free year of student membership in the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association. Deadline: August 1, 2009.
  • Edward S. Miller Research Fellowship in Naval History
    The Naval War College Foundation intends to award one grant of $1,000 to the researcher with the greatest need and can make the optimum use of the research materials for naval history located in the Naval War College’s Archives, Naval Historical Collection, Naval War College Museum, and Henry E. Eccles Library. Deadline for proposals: August 1, 2009.
  • Innovative Strategies in Community Colleges for Working Adults and Displaced Workers
    The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) is pleased to announce a Special Focus Competition Innovative Strategies in Community Colleges for Working Adults and Displaced Workers for fiscal year 2009. The competition opened June 5, 2009, and closesAugust 4, 2009.


  • The Kennedys’ Barack Obama Exhibit
    The museum The Kennedys presents “President Barack Obama: On the tracks of the Kennedys?” from May 1 through August 2, 2009.
  • National Postal Museum’s New FDR Exhibition
    Opened June 9, 2009, “Delivering Hope: FDR & Stamps of the Great Depression,” at the National Postal Museum, showcases FDR’s stamp tools, such as a magnifier, gauge, watermark detector and a box for albums, on loan from the FDR library. This exhibition closes June 6, 2010.

Also check out the research and internet resources sections of the calendar.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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