Publication Date

July 16, 2013

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

Each year, the American Historical Association awards several research grants with the aim of advancing the study and exploration of history in a diverse number of subject areas. The AHA is pleased to announce the 2013 winners for the Bernadotte Schmitt Grant, Albert J. Beveridge Grant, Michael Kraus Research Grant, and Littleton-Griswold Grant. The grantees will be conducting research over the course of the year and will receive formal recognition at the Annual Meeting in January 2014. Congratulations to all of our winners!

Bernadotte Schmitt Grant: to support research in the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa

Jeffrey Ahlman, Smith College “Living with Nkrumahism: Nation, State, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana.”

Laura Beers, American University “Red Ellen: Socialist, Feminist, Internationalist.”

Alexander Bevilacqua, Princeton University “Islamic Culture in the European Enlightenment.”

Jessica Clark, McGill University “Imperial Beauty: The Global Trade in Appearance, 1830-1930.”

Surekha Davies, Western Connecticut State University “Mapping the Peoples of the New World: Ethnography, Imagery and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe.”

Erin Hochman, Southern Methodist University “Anschluss before Hitler: The Politics of Transborder Nationalism in Germany and Austria, 1918-1938.”

Peter Lavelle, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica “Environmental Histories of Qing Colonialism in the Late Nineteenth Century.”

Cian McMahon, University of Nevada: Las Vegas “The Coffin Ship: Irish Migration, Mortality, and Memory in Global Perspective.”

Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoue, Purdue University ““When Women Wear Slacks”: Fashion, Beauty and Gendered Nation-Building in West Cameroon (1960-1982).”

Alison Okuda, New York University “Caribbean and African Exchanges: The Post-Colonial Transformation of Ghanaian Music, Identity, and Social Structure.”

Amit Prakash, Bryn Mawr College “Empire on the Seine: Surveillance, Space, and North African Migrants in Paris, 1925-1975.”

Gregory Rosenthal, Stony Brook University, State University of New York “Hawaiians Who Left Hawai?i: Work, Body, and Environment in the Pacific World, 1786-1876.”

Charlotte Walker-Said, Webster University “Traditional Marriage for the Modern Nation (Chapter 5: The African Roman Catholic Clergy’s Nationalist Articulations for Marriage).”

Arbella Bet-Shlimon, Harvard University “Kirkuk under Ba’th Rule: Arabization, Centralization, and the Decline of the ‘City of Black Gold,’ 1968-2003.”

Miriam Kingsberg, University of Colorado at Boulder “Japan’s Midwar Generation: Anthropologists and National Identity in the Twentieth Century.”

Mari Webel, Emory University, Institute of African Studies “The Politics Of Sleeping Sickness Prevention In East Africa, 1900-1914.”


Albert J. Beveridge Grant: to support research in the history of the Western hemisphere

Betsy Beasley, Yale University “Serving the World: Energy Contracting, Logistical Labors, and the Culture of Globalization, 1945-2008.”

Richard Boles, George Washington University “Dividing the Faith: The Rise of Racially Segregated Northern Churches, 1730-1850.”

Frederico Freitas, Stanford University “Twin Parks: An environmental history of the border between Argentina and Brazil.”

Kate Geoghegan, University of Virginia “The Specter of Anarchy, the Hope for Transformation: The Role of the United States in Influencing the Trajectory of the Soviet Collapse and Internal Reform, 1988-93.”

James Gigantino, University of Arkansas “Freedom and Slavery in the Garden of America: African Americans and Abolition in New Jersey, 1775-1861.”

Christopher Levesque, The University of Alabama “Not Just Following Orders: Why Soldiers Refused to Commit Atrocities.”

Eric Rutkow, Yale University “The Infrastructure of Empire: Pan-Americanism, Transnational Transport, and the Remaking of Central America.”

Brianna Theobald, Arizona State University “’The Simplest Rules of Motherhood’: Settler Colonialism and the Regulation of American Indian Reproduction, 1910-1976.”


Michael Kraus Research Grant: to support research in American colonial history

Katherine Grandjean, Wellesley College “Post Haste: Letters, Posting, and Empire in Early English America.”

Matthew Kruer, University of Pennsylvania “The Susquehannock War: Native Americans, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the Forging of the Covenant Chain.”


Littleton-Griswold Grant: to support research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society

Heather Lee, Brown University “The Right to Enter: Chinese Restaurant Owners, U.S. Immigration Laws, and the Federal Courts, 1894-1945.”

Sara Damiano, Johns Hopkins University “Gender, Law, and the Culture of Credit in New England, 1730-1790.”

Moira Gillis, University of Oxford “The Evolution of the Colonial American Corporation under the Stuart and Hanoverian Crowns: 1606-1763.”

Ryan Johnson, University of Minnesota “Enemies of the State: Knowing, Producing, and Policing Anarchism in the Making of the Modern American National Security State, 1901-1921.”

Michael Schoeppner, California Institute of Technology “The Moral Contagion of Liberty: Black Atlantic Sailors, Citizenship, and Quarantine in the Antebellum United States.”

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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