WHA Prize for Andre Gunder Frank
The World History Association announced—at its June 1999 meeting held in Victoria, British Columbia—that its recently launched annual book prize has been awarded to Andre Gunder Frank for Re-Orient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. The association regards this book as outstanding for its breadth of vision, courageous analysis, and its argument for a global perspective on the past.
The WHA is seeking nominations now for next year’s award—ideally of books published in 1999 that take a transregional perspective for historical analysis. Interested should contact David A. Chappell, Book Review Editor, Journal of World History, University of Hawaii, 2530 Dole, Honolulu, HI 96822-2383. E-mail: dchappel@hawaii.edu.
Kathleen Sheldon Receives CCWH-Prelinger Award
The Coordinating Council for Women in History has awarded the second CCWH-Catherine Prelinger award to Kathleen Sheldon, an independent scholar affiliated with the UCLA Center for the Study of Women.
Sheldon will use her $10,000 scholarship to complete a history of women in Mozambique. In this study of women, work, and politics (titled “Pounders of Beans: Women, Work, and Ideology in Mozambique, 1850s to 1950s”) Sheldon will use gender and local ideologies and practices as a starting point to address layers of Portuguese colonial conservatism, independent Mozambique’s socialism, and the current position of women in a free-market democratic society.
The CCWH-Catherine Prelinger scholarship award was established by an anonymous donor who wished to encourage scholarly activity who did not follow the tradition al academic path of uninterrupted education. The award is granted to a recipient who seeks to carry on the work of CCWH of contributing to women in history, either through scholarly or professional activity.
For details about the competition for the 2000 award, contact Marguerite Renner, Chair, CCWH-Catherine Prelinger Award Committee, Glendale College, 1500 N. Verdugo Rd., Glendale, CA 91208. (818) 240-1000, ext. 5461. E-mail: prenner@glendale.cc.ca.us.
SHFG Announces Prizes
This spring the Society for History in the Federal Government awarded its James Madison Prize to Mark Bradley for his article, “SUBMISS: The Mysterious Death of the USS Scorpio11,” published in Periodical: Journal of America’s Military Past (spring/summer 1998). The society’s Charles Thomson Prize went to Jeffrey K. Stine for his essay, “Environmental Policy during the Carter Presidency,” in Gary Fink and Hugh Davis Graham (eds.) The Carter Presidency: Policy Choices in the Post-New Deal Era (University of Kansas Press, 1998).
Details about the next competition for these prizes (deadline November 15, 1999) and about the society are available at https://www.shfg.org.
Outler Award of the ASCH for W. Brown Patterson
The American Society of Church History has named W. Brown Patterson as the recipient of the 1998 Albert C. Outler Award in Ecumenical History for his book, fames VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom (Yale University Press, 1997).
SHGAPE Article Prize
The Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era is still accepting submissions for its biennial competition for the best published article on any aspect of American history between 1865 and 1917. The article should have appeared in journals dated 1997 or 1998. Any graduate student or individual with a doctorate awarded after 1988 who has not yet published a book is eligible to compete for the $500 award. Individuals or journals may nominate a work. The deadline is December 1, 1999. Three copies of the article should be sent Robert E. Weir, Chair, SHGAPE Prize Committee, Liberal Studies Dept., Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA 01106. E-mail: rweir@mtholyoke.edu.
AASLH and MAAM Annual Meeting
The American Association for State and Local History will join the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums to hold a combined annual meeting, September 29-0ctober 2, 1999, in Baltimore. The meeting, with more than 80 sessions, will focus attention on such topics as museum education, collaborations, technology, and heritage tourism. Guest speakers will include Ben Bradlee, former editor of the Washington Post, Robert G. Stanton, director of the National Park Service, and David Thelen, author of The Presence of the Past.
Details about the meeting can he obtained by contacting the AASLH or at (615) 320-3203 or history@aaslh.org, or by visiting the association web site at https://www.aaslh.org.
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