Publication Date

February 20, 2020

Perspectives Section


Post Type


The American Historical Association’s busiest year of advocacy work culminated with efforts to promote professional equality in the history discipline, championing rights to affordable education and to greater equality for career historians inside and outside of academia, and the right to unionize.

Comment Opposing NLRB Rule Change Regarding Graduate Students & Unions

The American Historical Association expressed opposition to the National Labor Relations Board’s proposed rule change to the 1935 National Labor Relations Act. The amendment would diminish the right of graduate students and teaching and research assistants at private universities to organize unions.

Letter of Support for Title VI College Affordability Act

The AHA and a coalition of 30 other organizations offered their ardent support for reauthorization of the College Affordability Act, a federally funded Title VI–International Education program. They urged the US House Committee on Education and Labor and the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment to extend its bipartisan backing of the initiative.

AHA Resolution Supporting Scholars Off the University Tenure Track

On December 10, the Association adopted a resolution in support of scholars off the higher education tenure track. The AHA Council declared its continued commitment to support, encourage, and engage the thousands of history scholars currently working off the higher education tenure track in a diverse array of settings.

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