Publication Date

October 6, 2008

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily


Public History

The AHA is currently participating in a Survey of Public History Professionals (SPHP), with seven other historical organizations (American Association for State and Local History, American Association of Museums, Canadian Historical Association, National Council on Public History, Oral History Association, Organization of American Historians, and Society for History in the Federal Government). The survey (which was prepared by staff at the National Council on Public History and the AHA) seeks to learn a bit more about the demographics, training, employment conditions, and expectations of public history practitioners.

If you engage in public history work (including academic historians who do consulting or other public history work on the side) we ask that you take a few minutes to fill out the survey. Each of the participating associations will help by distributing the survey to members in the public history community, and we will all share the aggregated, anonymous data that is collected. So we expect the information gathered will widely benefit the profession. But if that is not enough incentive, respondents who provide an e-mail address will also be entered in a drawing for one of two $100 book gift cards.

We hope you will fill out the questionnaire today, but if you cannot, please do so by December 1 (when the drawing for the two gift cards will be held).

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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