Publication Date

January 20, 2011

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

Fifty years ago today, on January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered his inauguration address and spoke the now famous and widely quoted words: “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Watch video of the full address below:

JFK’s inauguration, speech, and legacy is being remembered across the web today (note Google’s new homepage doodle). Look back through unpublished inauguration day images from Life magazine. Head to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum’s site and explore their digital archive, read copies of drafts of the inaugural address, read and listen to other famous JFK speeches, and explore their many other resources.

See also the new JFK 50 Years site, which highlights Kennedy’s thoughts on public service, science and innovation, civil rights, domestic affairs, the arts, foreign policy and diplomacy, and the environment. The site also features the stories of people whose work embodies Kennedy’s ideals, and offers downloads of JFK online exhibits.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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