The Nominating Committee for 2021–22, chaired by Daniel A. Greene (Newberry Library), met virtually in February and offers the following candidates for offices of the Association that are to be filled in the election this year. Voting by AHA members will begin June 1.

Harris & Ewing/Library of Congress
James H. Sweet, University of Wisconsin–Madison (professor; Africa, African diaspora, Brazil)
William Chester Jordan, Princeton University (Dayton-Stockton Professor; medieval Europe, law, the Crusades, church-state relations, Jewish-Christian relations)
Edward W. Muir Jr., Northwestern University (Clarence L. Ver Steeg Professor; medieval and early modern Europe, religion, urban, legal and criminal)
Teaching Division
Vice President
Elizabeth A. Drummond, Loyola Marymount University (associate professor and chair; German-Polish national conflict, gender and nationalism, imperialism, public)
Kathleen M. Hilliard, Iowa State University (associate professor and director of graduate education; informal economies, slavery and emancipation, US South)
Choi Chatterjee, California State University, Los Angeles (professor and chair; Russia, world)
Karen Marrero, Wayne State University (associate professor; early North America and Indigenous, transnational and borderlands)
Professional Division
Laura E. Hostetler, University of Illinois at Chicago (professor and director of undergraduate studies; Qing empire, Sino-European relations, early modern world, cartography, humanities education)
William M. Tsutsui, Hendrix College (professor emeritus; environmental history of Japan, fisheries, popular culture in postwar Japan)
Research Division
Sandra E. Greene, Cornell University (Stephen ’59 and Madeline ’60 Anbinder Professor; slavery, biography, Ghana)
Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Ohio State University (associate professor; Civil Rights and Black Power Movement)
Committee on Committees
Slot 1
Julie Hardwick, University of Texas at Austin (John E. Green Regents Professor; early modern Europe, social/legal/gender)
Dana Rabin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (professor and interim chair; Great Britain/nation/race, 18th-century empire)
Slot 2
Sarah C. Kovner, Columbia University (senior research scholar; modern Japan, war and society, gender and sexuality)
Franziska Seraphim, Boston College (associate professor; modern Japan, global and comparative, historical memory, social politics)
Nominating Committee
Slot 1
Amanda Herbert, Folger Institute (associate director, Fellowships Program; gender/sexuality, health/healing/body)
Lisa Leff, US Holocaust Memorial Museum (director, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies) and American University (professor; Jews of modern France)
Slot 2
Evan Dawley, Goucher College (associate professor; Taiwanese ethnic identity formation, Chinese nationalism and Chinese diaspora, East Asian regionalism, memory studies, historical geography)
Philip Thai, Northeastern University (associate professor; modern China, legal, economic, diplomatic)
Slot 3
Wendy E. Lucas, University of Central Arkansas (professor and chair; early America, material culture, identity, women/gender/sexuality, Native American–European relations)
Melissa N. Stuckey, Elizabeth City State University (assistant professor; African American migration to Oklahoma, African American history, Black freedom struggles)
Nominations may also be made by petition; each petition must carry the signatures of 100 or more members of the Association in good standing and indicate the particular vacancy for which the nomination is intended. Nominations by petition must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee on or before May 1 and should be sent to the AHA office at 400 A St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of willingness of the nominee to serve if elected. In distributing the annual ballot to the members of the Association, the Nominating Committee shall present and identify such candidates nominated by petition along with its own candidates.
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