The Nominating Committee for 2020–21, chaired by Carin Berkowitz (New Jersey Council for the Humanities), met in Washington, DC, on February 7 and offers the following candidates for offices of the Association that are to be filled in the election this year. Voting by AHA members will begin June 1.

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Jacqueline Jones, University of Texas at Austin (Ellen C. Temple Chair, Mastin Gentry White Professor, and chair; US labor/African American/southern/women)
James H. Sweet, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Vilas-Jartz Distinguished Professor; Africa, African diaspora, Brazil)
Anand A. Yang, University of Washington (Walker Family Endowed Professor; comparative colonialisms, modern Asia, South Asia, world)
Research Division
Vice President
Randy J. Sparks, Tulane University (professor; Atlantic world, US South, American religious)
Ben Vinson III, Case Western Reserve University (Hiram C. Haydn Professor and provost; African diaspora, colonial Mexico)
Anita Guerrini, Oregon State University (professor emerita; early modern life science and medicine, history and ecological restoration)
Pernille Røge, University of Pittsburgh (assistant professor; 18th-century France and French empire, political economy)
Professional Division
Derek Attig, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign (director of career development; bookmobiles, graduate education)
Simon Finger, College of New Jersey (adjunct professor; American colonial to early republic, medicine, maritime, labor)
Teaching Division
Matthew MacLean, Brooklyn Technical High School (social studies teacher; modern Middle East)
Katharina Matro, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart (history and economics teacher; modern central and eastern Europe)
At Large
Christine Cook, Wayne State University (PhD candidate; women in military, US since 1877, world, gender/sexuality/women)
Sherri Sheu, University of Colorado, Boulder (PhD candidate; modern US, environmental)
Committee on Committees
Darién J. Davis, Middlebury College (professor and chair; Afro-Latin America, Brazil, migration and diaspora studies, human rights)
Leo J. Garofalo, Connecticut College (associate professor and chair; colonial Andean cities and markets, Afro-Iberians and African diaspora)
Nominating Committee
Slot 1
Amy M. Froide, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (professor and chair; female investors and single women, Britain 1500–1800)
Matthew P. Romaniello, Weber State University (associate professor; Russia and eastern Europe, commodities, medicine, world)
Slot 2
Kent Blansett, University of Kansas (Langston Hughes Associate Professor; Indigenous, American West, 20th-century US)
Sharlene Sinegal-DeCuir, Xavier University of Louisiana (associate professor; African American, New Orleans)
Slot 3
Lincoln Bramwell, USDA Forest Service (chief historian; environmental, US West, public history)
Beatrice Gurwitz, National Humanities Alliance (deputy director; Latin American/Jewish history, higher education policy, public humanities)
Nominations may also be made by petition; each petition must carry the signatures of 100 or more members of the Association in good standing and indicate the particular vacancy for which the nomination is intended. Nominations by petition must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee on or before May 1 and should be sent to the AHA office at 400 A St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of willingness of the nominee to serve if elected. In distributing the annual ballot to the members of the Association, the Nominating Committee shall present and identify such candidates nominated by petition along with its own candidates.
Liz Townsend is manager, data administration and integrity at the AHA and the staff member for the Nominating Committee.
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