The Nominating Committee for 2019–20, chaired by Laurent Dubois (Duke Univ.), met in Washington, DC, on February 22 and offers the following candidates for offices of the Association that are to be filled in the election this year. Voting by AHA members will begin June 1.

AHA members can vote starting June 1. depositphotos
Mary Lindemann, University of Miami (early modern Europe, medicine)
Jacqueline Jones, University of Texas at Austin (US labor/African American/southern/women)
Philip D. Morgan, Johns Hopkins University (early America, Atlantic)
Professional Division
Vice President
Rita C-K Chin, University of Michigan (post-1945 Europe, immigration and displacement, race/ethnicity/gender)
Katrin Schultheiss, George Washington University (modern France, medicine, gender)
Paul R. Deslandes, University of Vermont (cultural history of male beauty in Britain, transatlantic cultural exchanges)
Reginald K. Ellis, Florida A&M University (US since 1865, African American history)
Research Division
Sara Georgini, Massachusetts Historical Society (early American history, religion and culture, public history)
Robert Neer, Hult International Business School (global history of US military, global business, politics and law)
Teaching Division
Shannon T. Bontrager, Georgia Highlands College, Cartersville (commemorations and public memory, death and burial of military dead)
Jonathan A. Lee, San Antonio College (US economic, international relations)
Committee on Committees
Ari Kelman, University of California, Davis (US history)
Raúl A. Ramos, University of Houston (19th-century US-Mexico border, transnational identity construction)
Nominating Committee
Slot 1
Herman L. Bennett, Graduate Center, CUNY (early modern freedom, African diaspora)
Carla G. Pestana, University of California, Los Angeles (early America, Atlantic world)
Slot 2
Gregory H. Maddox, Texas Southern University (Africa, environmental)
John Thabiti Willis, Carleton College (religious encounters, African and diaspora religions)
Slot 3
Fahad Ahmad Bishara, University of Virginia (Indian Ocean economic and legal, Islamic law and capitalism)
Craig Perry, Emory University, effective August 2019 (medieval Middle East, history of slavery, global history)
Nominations may also be made by petition; each petition must carry the signatures of 100 or more members of the Association in good standing and indicate the particular vacancy for which the nomination is intended. Nominations by petition must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee on or before May 1 and should be sent to the AHA office at 777 6th St. NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC, 20001. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of willingness of the nominee to serve if elected. In distributing the annual ballot to the members of the Association, the Nominating Committee shall present and identify such candidates nominated by petition along with its own candidates.
Liz Townsend is manager, data administration and integrity, at the AHA.
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