Clarence E. Walker (Univ. of California at Davis), chair of the Nominating Committee, has announced the following results of the 2006 balloting for officers and committee members of the American Historical Association.
President (1-year term)
Barbara Weinstein, New York University (modern Latin America, Brazil)
President-elect (1-year term)
Gabrielle M. Spiegel, Johns Hopkins University (medieval, with a special interest in historiography and linguistic analysis, medieval and contemporary)
Vice President, Teaching Division (3-year term)
Karen Halttunen, University of Southern California (U.S. cultural and intellectual)
Council (3-year terms)
Slot 1
Larry Wolff, New York University (Eastern Europe, Enlightenment, Poland, Habsburg monarchy, early modern Rome and Venice; history of childhood)
Slot 2
Jesus Francisco Malaret, Sacramento City College (United States, with Latin American and Chicano history)
Division Representatives (3-year terms)
Leisa Meyer, College of William and Mary (gender and sexuality studies, U.S. women, American popular culture and cultural history)
Clayborne Carson, Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute, Stanford University (African American history of the period after World War II)
Patricia O’Neill, Central Oregon Community College (18th-century comparative Chinese-European)
Committee on Committees (3-year terms)
R. Stephen Humphreys, University of California, Santa Barbara (Islamic and Middle East, religion and politics in the modern Islamic world)
Nominating Committee (3-year terms)
Slot 1
Susan R. Grayzel, University of Mississippi (women and gender, modern Europe, Britain, France, cultural history of war)
Slot 2
Laura Ackerman Smoller, University of Arkansas, Little Rock (medieval, science and medicine, religion, astrology, apocalyptic thought, saints)
Slot 3
Steven Mintz, University of Houston (19th-century United States; social, family, community)
Clarence E. Walker (Univ. of California at Davis) was chair of the 2006 AHA Nominating Committee.