Publication Date

March 1, 2002

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities


Lynn Hunt (UCLA), president; James M. McPherson, (Princeton Univ.), president-elect; Wm. Roger Louis (Univ. of Texas at Austin) immediate past president; Eric Foner, (Columbia Univ.) past president; Gabrielle Spiegel (Johns Hopkins Univ.), vice president, Research Division; William A. Weber (California State Univ. at Long Beach) vice president, Teaching Division; William J. Cronon, (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), vice president, Professional Division; David W. Blight (Amherst Coll.); Lillian Guerra (Bates Coll.); Victoria Harden (National Institute of Health); Maureen Murphy Nutting (North Seattle Community Coll.); David Harris Sacks (Reed Coll.); Stefan A. Tanaka (UC- San Diego)

Professional Division

William J. Cronon, vice president; Maureen Murphy Nutting, Council member; James Grossman (Scholl Center); Peter Hoffer (Univ. of Georgia); Susan Mosher Stuard (Haverford Coll.);

Research Division

Gabrielle Spiegel, vice president; David Harris Sacks (Reed Coll.), Council member; Mark Kornbluh (Michigan State Univ.); Louis A. Pérez Jr. (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Lawrence Wolff (Boston Coll.)

Teaching Division

William A. Weber, vice president; Victoria Harden, Council member; Ellen Furlough (Univ. of Kentucky); John M. Pyne (West Milford Township Public Schools, N.J.); Marguerite (Peggy) Renner (Glendale Community Coll., Calif.).

Nominating Committee

Gary Kates (Trinity Univ.), chair; Michael Adas (Rutgers Univ.); Joyce E. Chaplin (Harvard Univ.); Alice L. Conklin (Univ. of Rochester); Peter Fritzsche (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Peter Kolchin (Univ. of Delaware); Patricia Nelson Limerick (Univ. of Colorado); Susan Schroeder (Tulane Univ.); Anand Yang (Univ. of Utah).

Committee on Committees

James McPherson, chair; Jerry Bentley (Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa); Eileen Boris (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara); Carole Fink (Ohio State Univ.); Cynthia Herrup (Duke Univ.).

Standing Committees

Committee on Affiliated Societies:James McPherson, chair; David Blight, Council member; Leisa Meyer (College of William and Mary); Mary Beth Norton (Cornell Univ.).

Committee on Graduate Education: Colin Palmer (Princeton Univ.), chair; Thomas Bender (New York Univ.), secretary; Constance Berman (Univ. of Iowa); Allison Blakely (Howard Univ.); Ramon Gutierrez (Univ. of California at San Diego); Fiona Galvin, grad. Student rep. (UCLA); Nadine Hata (El Camino Community Coll.); Lynn Hunt (UCLA); Stan Katz (Princeton Univ.); Theresa Mah (Bowling Green State Univ.); Kristin Stapleton (Univ. of Kentucky)

Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship in American History: Ernest R. May (Harvard Univ.), chair; Alan Brinkley (Columbia Univ.); Robin Winks (Yale Univ.); Lynn Hunt, president; James McPherson, president-elect.

Committee on International Historical Activities: Dane Kennedy (George Washington Univ.), chair; John Coatsworth (Harvard Univ.); Cary Fraser (Penn State Univ.); Sonya Michel (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago); Reba Soffer (California State Univ. at Northridge).

Committee on Minority Historians: Stephanie Shaw (Ohio State Univ.), chair; Dorothy Ko (Rutgers Univ.); Barbara Savage (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Andres Tijerina (Austin Comm. Coll.); Yvonne Wallace-Fuentes (Duke Univ.); Angela Wilson (Arizona State Univ.); Carlton Wilson (North Carolina Central Univ.).

Committee on Women Historians: Elizabeth Lunbeck (Princeton Univ.), chair; Judith Jeffrey-Howard (NEH); Virginia Sanchez Korrol (Brooklyn Coll., CUNY); Seth Koven (Villanova Univ.); Paula Sanders (Rice Univ.); Laura York (UCLA), grad. student rep.

Committee for Graduate Students: Lillian Guerra (Bates Coll.), chair; David Chang (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Alison Pion (Northwestern Univ.); Yvonne Wallace-Fuentes (Duke Univ.); Laura York (UCLA); Fiona Galvin (UCLA), liason from CGE.

Joint Committee on Part-time and Adjunct Employment: Maxine Lurie, (Seton Hall Univ.) chair; From the AHA: Delight Dodyk (Drew Univ.); Frank Karpiel (Ramapo Coll.); Gerda Lerner (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Wiliam Paquette (Tidewater Community Coll.); Elizabeth Reis (Duke Univ.). From the OAH: Juli Jones (St. Charles County Comm. Coll.); Gloria Miranda (El Camino Comm. Coll.); David Montgomery (Yale Univ.); Jeffrey Kolnick (Southwest State Univ.).

Award Committees

Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize:John Toews (Univ. of Washington), chair; Thomas Brady (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Suzanne DeSan (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Michael Geyer (Univ. of Chicago); Derek Hirst (Washington Univ.).

Committee on the AHA Prize in Atlantic History: Linda Heywood (Howard Univ.), chair; .); David Eltis (Emory Univ.); Jane Landers (Vanderbilt Univ).

Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize: Kinley Brauer (Univ. of Minnesota), chair; Thomas Borstelmann (Cornell Univ.); Jonathan Sperber (Univ. of Missouri at Columbia); Carl Strikwerda (Univ. of Kansas); Jay Winter (Yale Univ.).

Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award and the John H. Dunning Prize: Robert Westbrook (Univ. of Rochester), chair; Fitzhugh Brundage (Univ. of Florida); Gloria Main (Univ. of Colorado); Glenna Matthews (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Francisco A. Scarano (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison).

Committee on the Paul Birdsall Prize: William Hitchcock (Wellesley Coll.), chair; Linda Frey (Univ. of Montana); James Tent (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham).

Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize: Alan Wood (Univ. of Washington at Bothell), chair; Rebecca Horn (Univ. of Utah); Jacob Lassner (Northwestern Univ.); Thomas Noble (Univ. of Notre Dame).

Committee on the Albert Corey Award: From the AHA: Robin Winks (Yale Univ.), chair; Shirley Yee (Univ. of Washington). From the Canadian Historical Association: Judith Fingaid (Dalhousie Univ.); Delphin Musise (Carleton Univ.)

Committee on the John Edwin Fagg Prize: Carolyn Boyd (Univ. of California at Irvine), chair; Heath Dillard; Allyson Poska (Mary Washington College).

Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize: James Hevia (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), chair; Ja Haboush (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Jonathan Ocko (North Carolina State Univ.); Miriam Silverberg (UCLA); John E. Wills (Univ. of Southern California).

Committee on the Herbert Feis Award: James Banner (Washington, D.C.), chair; Bruce Craig (NCH); John Grabowski (Case Western Reserve); Richard Immerman (Temple Univ.); Susan Levine (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago).

Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize: David Cressy (Ohio State Univ.), chair; David Armitage (Columbia Univ.); Jeffrey Auerbach (California State Univ.-Northridge); Antoinette Burton (Univ. of Illinois); James Hopkins (Southern Methodist Univ.).

Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award: Randolph Head (Univ. of California at Riverside), chair; Keith Luria (North Carolina State Univ.); Sarah Maza (Northwestern Univ.); John McCusker (Trinity Univ.); Leonard Rosenband (Utah State Univ.).

Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize: Miriam Cohen (Vassar Coll.), chair; Laura Frader (Northeastern Univ.); Donna Guy (Univ. of Arizona); Linda Kerber (Univ. of Iowa); Cheryl Johnson-Odim (Loyola Univ., Chicago).

Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize: Laura Edwards (Duke Univ.), chair; Daniel Ernst (Georgetown Univ.); Jack Rakove (Stanford Univ); James Schmidt (Univ. of California at Northridge); Amy Stanley (Univ. of Chicago).

Committee on the Russell Major Prize: Carla Hesse (Univ. of California at Berkeley), chair; Raymond Grew (Univ. of Michigan); James Johnson (Boston Univ.)

Committee on the Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize:From the SIHS:Silvana Patriarca (Columbia Univ.), chair; From the ACHA: Frederick J. McGinness (Mount Holyoke Coll.); From the AHA: Charles Stinger (SUNY, Buffalo).

Committee on the George L. Mosse Prize: Robert Pois (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder), chair; Mary Gibson (Graduate Center/John Jay Coll., CUNY); Paul Robinson (Stanford Univ.).

Committee on the Premio Del Rey Prize:Teofilo Ruiz (UCLA), chair; Thomas Burman (Univ. of Tennesee- Knoxville); Olivia Constable (Notre Dame Univ.); Lu Ann Homza (College of William and Mary); David Ringrose (Univ. of California at San Diego).

Committee on the James Harvey Robinson Prize: Marvin Lunenfeld (SUNY at NY, Fredonia), chair; William Everdell (St. Ann’s School); Michael Kasprowicz (Martin Coll.); James Loewen (Catholic Univ.); Colleen Seguin (Valparaiso Univ.).

Committee on the Wesley-Logan Prize:From the AHA: David Northrup (Boston Coll.), chair; Philip Morgan (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Daryl Scott (Univ. of Florida). From the ASALH: Larry Martin (Coppin State Coll.); Walter Hill (National Archives).

Committee on the John O’Connor Film Award: Mark Carnes (Barnard Coll.), chair; Mary Jo Maynes (Univ. of Minnesota); Vanessa Schwartz (Univ. of Southern California).

Committee on the Nancy Roelker Mentorship Award: Sharon Alter (William Rainey Harper Coll.), chair; Gail Bederman (Notre Dame Univ.); Helen Grady (Springside School); David K. Smith (Eastern Illinois Univ.); Andrew Weise (San Diego State Univ.).

Committee on Teaching Prizes: Sue Patrick (Univ. of Wisconsin-Barron County), chair; Stacy Cordery (Monmouth Coll.); Michele Forman (Middlebury Union HS); Troy Johnson (California State Univ.-Long Beach); Barbara Winslow (Brooklyn Coll., CUNY).

Grant and Fellowship Committees

Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship: James Patterson (Brown Univ.), chair; Peter Bardaglio (Goucher Coll.); Anne Boylan (Univ. of Delaware); Karen Halttunen (Univ. of California at Davis); Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.).

Committee on the NASA Fellowship:From the AHA: Christopher Hamlin (Univ. of Notre Dame), chair; Spencer Weart (Center for History of Physics); From the NCPH: Rebecca Cameron (U.S. Air Force); From the SHOT: Peter Jakob, (Smithsonian Inst., National Air and Space Museum); From the HSS: Pamela Mack (Clemson Univ.); From the OAH: Laura McEnaney (Whittier Coll.); From the EHA: Roger Ransom (Univ. of California at Northridge).

Committee on Research Grant Awards (U.S./Western Hemisphere grants): Thomas Dublin (SUNY at Binghamton), chair; Cynthia Harrison (George Washington Univ.); Kristan Ruggiero (Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee).

Committee on Research Grants Awards (Africa, Asia, Europe Grants): James Grubb (Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore County), chair; Chun-Shu Chang (Univ. of Michigan); John Vander Lippe (SUNY at New Paltz).

Ad Hoc and Joint Committees

Committee on 2002 Gutenberg-e Prizes:Dennis E. Showalter (Colorado Coll./U.S. Military Academy), chair; Peter Duus (Stanford Univ.); Carole Fink (Ohio State Univ.); Stephen A. Schuker (Univ. of Virginia).

Program Committee, 2003: Anand Yang (Univ. of Utah), 2003 chair; Margaret Washington (Cornell Univ.), 2003 co-chair; Joe Trotter (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), 2004 chair; Maggie Favretti (Scarsdale High School); Leila Fawaz (Tufts Univ.); Mary Fissell (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Karen Kupperman (New York Univ.); Cheryl E. Martin (Univ. of Texas at El Paso); Peggy Pascoe (Univ. of Oregon); Anne J. Schutte (Univ. of Virginia); Gerhard Weinberg (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); K. Scott Wong (Williams College) . 2004 co-chair to be determined.


Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation:Wm. Roger Louis (Univ. of Texas at Austin).

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies: Richard Stites (Georgetown Univ.).

American Council of Learned Societies: Donald Ritchie (U.S. Senate Historical Office).

Joint AHA-Canadian Historical Association: AHA:Elizabeth Faue (Wayne State Univ.);

Consortium of Social Science Associations: Lynn Lees (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

International Committee of Historical Sciences: Dane Kennedy (George Washington Univ.).

National Historical Publications and Records Commission: Mary Maples Dunn (Schlesinger Library).

Social Science Research Council: Frederick Cooper (Univ. of Michigan).

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