Publication Date

March 1, 2000

2000 Committee Structure


Eric Foner (Columbia Univ.), president; Wm. Roger Louis (Univ. of Texas at Austin), president-elect; Robert Darnton (Princeton Univ.), immediate past president; Leon Fink (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), vice president, Teaching Division; Barbara Metcalf (Univ. of California at Davis), vice president, Professional Division; Gabrielle Spiegel (Johns Hopkins Univ.), vice president, Research Division; David W. Blight (Amherst Coli.); Lillian Guerra (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Nadine Ishitani Hata (El Camino Community Coli.); Vicki Ruiz (Arizona State Univ.);Linda Shopes (Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission); Marilyn Young (New York Univ.); Michael Grossberg (AHR), ex officio.

Note: Arnita Jones, the AHA’s executive director, is an ex officio member of the Council, the divisions, and all the committees.

Teaching Division

Leon Fink, vice president; Nadine Ishitani Hata, Council member; Nupur Chaudhuri (Texas Southern Univ.); Maxine N. Lurie (Seton Hall Univ.); John Pyne (West Milford Township Public Schools, N.J.).

Professional Division

Barbara Metcalf, vice president; Marilyn Young, Council member; James R. Grossman (Newberry Library); Allen F. Isaacman (Univ. of Minnesota); Charles Zappia (San Diego Mesa Coll.).

Research Division

Gabrielle Spiegel, vice president; Linda Shopes, Council member; Richard L. Greaves (Florida State Univ.); Mark Kornbluh (Michigan State Univ.); Gale Stokes (Rice Univ.).

Nominating Committee

Michael Les Benedict (Ohio State Univ.), chair; Michael Adas (Rutgers Univ. Allison Blakeley (Howard Univ.); Don Teruo Hata Jr. (California State Univ. at Dominguez Hills); Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz (Smith Coli.); Gary Kates (Trinity Univ.); Phillip D. Morgan (Omohundro Inst. of Early American History and Culture); Sara T. Nalle (William Paterson Univ.); Susan P. Schroeder (Tulane Univ.).

Committee on Committees

Wm. Roger Louis, chair; Eileen Boris (Univ. of Virginia); Cynthia B. Herrup (Duke Univ.); William Taylor (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Madeleine Zelin (Columbia Univ.).

Committee on Affiliated Societies

Wm. Roger Louis, chair; David W. Blight, Council member; Patrick Geary (Notre Dame Univ.); Barbara Tennebaum (Library of Congress).

Standing Committees

Committee on International Historical Activities:Renate Bridenthal (Brookifn Coli., CUNY), chair; Jeremy Adams (Southern Methodist Univ.); Richard L. Kagan (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Charles D. Smith (Univ. of Arizona); Stefan Tanaka (Univ. of California at San Diego).

Committee on Selection of Foreign Members:Joseph Miller (Univ. of Virginia), chair; John TePaske (Duke Univ.); Frederic Wakeman (Univ. of California at Berkeley).

Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Hnrmsworth Professorship in American History:Robert L. Middlekauff (Univ. of California at Berkeley), chair; Alan Brinkley (Columbia Univ.); Ernest R. May (Harvard Univ.); Eric Foner, president; Wm. Roger Louis, president-elect.

Committee on Minority Historians:Gerald Surh (North Carolina State Univ.), chair; Phil Deloria (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder); Kevin Gaines (Univ. of Michigan); Theresa Mah (Bowling Green State Univ.); Gloria Miranda (El Camino Col!.); Stephanie Shaw (Ohio State Univ.); Mrinalini Sinha (Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale).

Committee on Women Historians:Elizabeth Lunbeck (Princeton Univ.), chair; Virginia Sanchez Korrol (Brooklyn Coll., CUNY); Susan Pearson (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Guido Ruggiero (Penn State Univ.); Sandra Treadway (Library of Virginia); Ann Waltner (Univ. of Minnesota).

Award Committees

Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize:Holger Herwig (Univ. of Calgary), chair; Constance Berman (Univ. of Iowa); Derek Hirst (Washington Univ.); John Marino (Univ. of California at San Diego); John Toews (Univ. of Washington).

Committee on the AHA Prize in Atlantic History:Colin Palmer (Graduate School and Univ. Center, CUNY), chair; Peter Coclanis (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Patrick Manning (Northeastern Univ.).

Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize:Diane Clemons (Univ. of California at Berkeley), chair; Kinley Brauer (Univ. of Minnesota); Istvan Deak (Columbia Univ.); Carole Fink (Ohio State Univ.); Jonathan Sperber (Univ. of Missouri at Columbia).

Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award: Joan Cashin (Ohio Sate Univ.), chair; Elaine Abelson (New School of Social Research); Fitzhugh Brundage (Univ. of Florida); Claudio Lomnitz (Univ. of Chicago); Robert Westbrook (Univ. of Rochester).

Committee on the Paul Birdsall Prize:Mark Walker (Union Coil.), chair; Geoffrey Parker (Ohio State Univ.); William Hitchcock (Wellesley Coll.).

Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize:Susan Kellog (Univ. of Houston), chair; Jacob Lassner (Northwestern Univ.); Thomas Noble (Univ. of Virginia); Alan Wood (Univ. of Washington at Bothell).

Committee on the Albert Corey Award:Joseph Boudreau (San Jose State Univ.); Philip Buckner (London, England); Leslie Choquette (Assumption Coll.); Bruno Ramirez (Univ. of Montreal).

Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize:Joseph Esherick (Univ. of California at San Diego), chair; James L. Hevia (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Jonathan Ocko (North Carolina State Univ.); Kathleen Uno (Temple Univ.); R. Bin Wong (Univ. of California at Irvine).

Committee on the Herbert Feis Award:Fred Hoxie (Newberry Library), chair; James Banner (Washington, D.C.); David Lorey (Hewlett Foundation); Kimberly Phillips (Coll. of William and Mary); Jane Smith (Northwestern Univ.).

Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize:Brian Levack (Univ. of Texas at Austin), chair; Anna Clark (Univ. of Minnesota); David Cressey (Ohio State Univ.); James Hopkins (Southern Methodist Univ.); Thomas Mayer (Augustana Coll.).

Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award:Jack Censer (George Mason Univ.), chair; James Boyden (Tulane Univ.); Randy Head (Univ. of California at Riverside); Caroline Hibbard (Univ. of Illinois); Leonard Rosenband (Utah State Univ.).

J. Franklin Jameson Award in Editorial Achievement:David Weber (Southern Methodist Univ.), chair; Daniel Bornstein (Texas A & M Univ.); Kenneth Pennington (Syracuse Univ.); Patrick Williams (Univ. of Arkansas); Wen-hsin Yeh (Univ. of California at Berkeley).

Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize:Edward Alpers (UCLA), chair; Eileen Boris (Univ. of Virginia); Nancy Hewitt (Rutgers Univ.); Margaret King (Brooklyn Coli., CUNY); Elizabeth Kuznesof (Univ. of Kansas).

Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize:Melvin Urofsky (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), chair; Laura Edwards (UCLA); Naomi Lamoreaux (UCLA); Jack Rakove (Stanford Univ.); Amy Stanley (Univ. of Chicago).

Committee on the Russell Major Prize:Mack P. Holt (George Mason Univ.), chair; Raymond Grew (Univ. of Michigan); Carla Hesse (Univ. of California at Berkeley).

Committee on the Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prizes:John Monfasani (SUNY, Albany), chair; Alexander J. Grab (Univ. of Maine at Orono); Roland Sarti (Univ. of Massachusetts).

Committee on the George L. Masse Prize: Laura Engelstein (Princeton Univ.), chair; Robert Pois (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder); Paul Robinson (Stanford Univ.).

Committee on the Premia Del Rey Prize:William Phillips (Univ. of Minnesota), chair; Olivia Constable (Notre Dame Univ.); David Nirenberg (Rice Univ.); David Ringrose (Univ. of California at San Diego); Teofilo Ruiz (UCLA).

Committee on the James Harvey Robinson Prize:Maris Vinovskis (Univ. of Michigan), chair; Joan Arno (George Washington High School); Charles Evans (Northern Virginia Community Coll.); James Lowen (Catholic Univ.); Marvin Lunenfeld (SUNY, Fredonia).

Committee on the Wesley-Logan Prize:Judith Stein (City Coli., CUNY); Bettye Gardner (Coppin State Coll.); Larry Martin (Coppin State Coli.); Philip Morgan (Coli. of William and Mary); David Northup (Boston Coll.).

Committee on the John O'Connor Film Award:Natalie Zemon Davis (emeritus, Princeton Univ.), chair; Mark Carnes (Barnard Coli.); David Culbert (Louisiana State Univ.).

Committee on Research Grant Awards (U.S./Western Hemisphere grants):Michael Parrish (Univ. of California at San Diego), chair; Stephen Innes (Univ. of Virginia); Kristan Ruggiero (Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee).

Committee on Research Grant Awards (Africa, Asia, Europe grants):Luise White (Princeton Univ.), chair; James Grubb (Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore County); Joanna Waley-Cohen (New York Univ.).

Committee on the Nancy L. Roelker Mentorship Award:Marjorie Ganz (Spelman Coli.), chair; Sharon Alter (William Rainey Harper Coll.); Helen Grady (Springside School); Miguel Tinker Salas (Pomona Coll.); Phillip Troutman (Virginia Tech).

Committee on Teaching Prizes:Dorothy Abrahamse (California State Univ. at Long Beach), chair; Evelyn Edson (Piedmont Virginia Community Coll.); Lance Grahn (Marquette Univ.); Carl Schulkin (Pembroke Hill School); William Zigler (Penncrest High School).

Fellowship Committees

Committee on the J. Franklin James Fellowship:Theda Perdue (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), chair; Gaines Foster (Louisiana State Univ.); Robert Middlekauff (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Julie Saville (Univ. of Chicago); Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.).

Committee on the NASA Fellowship:Tami Biddle (Duke Univ.), chair; Paul Ceruzzi (Smithsonian Inst., National Air & Space Museum); Christopher Hamlin (Univ. of Notre Dame); Pamela Mack (Clemson Univ.); Peter Temin (MIT).

Special, Joint, and Ad Hoc Committees

Joint AHA-Canadian Historical Association Committee:Jeremy Adelman (Princeton Univ.), chair; Paul Grendler (emeritus, Univ. of Toronto); June Namias (Univ. of Alaska).

Task Force on Graduate Education:Lillian Guerra (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison), chair; Allen Isaacman (Univ. of Mirmesota); Theresa Mah (Bowling Green State Univ.); Susan Pearson (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Ali Pion (Northwestern Univ.); Ernest Simmons (Univ. of California at Berkeley).


Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation:Wm. Roger Louis (Univ. of Texas at Austin); begins August 2000.

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:Donald Raleigh (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

American Council of Learned Societies:Thomas Holt (Univ. of Chicago).

Consortium of Social Science Associations:Myron Guttman (Univ. of Texas at Austin).

International Committee of Historical Sciences:Renate Bridenthal (Brooklyn Coll., CUNY).

National Historical Publications and Records Commission:Mary Maples Dunn (Schlesinger Library).

Social Science Research Council:Iris Berger (Univ. of Albany).

Friends of the German Historical Institute:Volker Berghahn (Brown Univ.); Kathleen Conzen (Univ. of Chicago).

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