Publication Date

March 1, 1997

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The following is a list of the officers, elected Council members, and the approved committee structure for 1997.


Joyce Appleby (Univ. of California at Los Angeles), president; Joseph C. Miller (Univ. of Virginia), president-elect; Caroline Walker Bynum (Columbia Univ.), immediate past president; Carla Rahn Phillips (Univ. of Minnesota), vice president, Professional Division; Peter N. Stearns (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), vice president, Teaching Division; Stanley N. Katz (American Council of Learned Societies/Princeton Univ.), vice president, Research Division; Douglas Greenberg (Chicago Historical Society); Emily Hill (Yale Univ.); Cheryl E. Martin (Univ. of Texas at El Paso); Colin Palmer (Grad. Sch. and Univ. Center, City Univ. of New York); Barbara N. Ramusack (Univ. of Cincinnati); David S. Trask (Guilford Technical Community Coll.); Sandria B. Freitag (AHA), ex officio; Michael Grossberg (AHR), ex officio.

Professional Division: Carla Rahn Phillips, vice president; Barbara Ramusack, Council member; William J. Cronon (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Leila Fawaz (Tufts Univ.); Gail Savage (St. Mary’s Coll. of Maryland); Sandria B. Freitag, ex officio.

Research Division: Stanley N. Katz, vice president; Cheryl Martin, Council member; Donna J. Guy (Univ. of Arizona); Jacqueline Jones (Brandeis Univ.); Barbara Molony (Santa Clara Univ.); Sandria B. Freitag, ex officio.

Teaching Division: Peter N. Stearns, vice president; David S. Trask, Council member; Ron Briley (Sandia Preparatory School); Evelyn Hu-DeHart (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder); Teofilo Ruiz (Brooklyn Coll., City Univ. of New York); Sandria B. Freitag, ex officio.

Nominating Committee: Arthur Zilversmit (Lake Forest Coll.), chair; Mary Elizabeth Berry (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Gordon Chang (Stanford Univ.); Lillie Johnson Edwards (Drew Univ.); Jan E. Goldstein (Univ. of Chicago); Linda B. Hall (Univ. of New Mexico); Karen Ordahl Kupperman (New York Univ.); Leo Spitzer (Dartmouth Coll.); Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee).

Committee on Committees: Joseph C. Miller, chair; Jacquelyn D. Hall (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Edward Muir (Northwestern Univ.); Bonnie G. Smith (Rutgers Univ.); Eric Van Young (Univ. of California, San Diego).

Committee on Affiliated Societies: Joseph C. Miller; Council member; Robert Schnucker (Truman State Univ.); George M. Wilson (Indiana Univ.).

Standing Committees

Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship in American History: Eric Foner (Columbia Univ.), chair; Robert Dallek (Univ. of California at Los Angeles); David M. Kennedy (Stanford Univ.); Joyce Appleby, president; Joseph C. Miller, president elect.

Committee on International Historical Activities: Renate Bridenthal (Brooklyn Coll., City Univ. of New York),chair; Jeremy Adams (Southern Methodist Univ.); Charles D. Smith (Univ. of Arizona); Richard L. Kagan (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Stefan Tanaka (Univ. of California at San Diego).

Committee on Minority Historians: Clara Sue Kidwell (Univ. of Oklahoma), chair; Cynthia Blair (Harvard Univ.); Neil Foley (Univ. of Texas at Austin); Yvette Huginnie (Univ. of California at Santa Cruz); Tera Hunter (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Gary Okihiro (Cornell Univ.); Zaragosa Vargas (Ohio State Univ.).

Committee on Women Historians: Carla A. Hesse (Univ. of California at Berkeley), chair; Stanley Chojnacki (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Linda Shopes (Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission); Glenna Matthews (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Marcia Wright (Columbia Univ.); Jennifer Brier (Rutgers Univ.).

Prize and Fellowship Committees

Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize: Kathryn L. Reyerson (Univ. of Minnesota), chair; Holger Herwig (Univ. of Calgary); Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia (New York Univ.); Sabine MacCormack (Univ. of Michigan); Allan Megill (Univ. of Virginia).

Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize: William B. Cohen (Indiana Univ.); Phillip G. Nord (Princeton Univ.); Stanley Payne (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Pamela Radcliff (Univ. of California at San Diego); Anson Rabinbach (Princeton Univ.).

Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award and the John H. Dunning Prize: Helena M. Wall (Pomona Coll.), chair; Toby Ditz (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Gregory Kealey (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland); John F. Schwaller (Univ. of Montana); Stanley Engerman (Univ. of Rochester).

Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize: Janet Johnson (Univ. of Chicago), chair; Ronald Mellor (Univ. of California at Los Angeles); Sarah B. Pomeroy (Graduate Sch. and Univ. Center, City Univ. of New York).

Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize: Pamela Crossley (Dartmouth Coll.); Stefan Tanaka (Univ. of California at San Diego); Hoyt Cleveland Tillman (Univ. of Washington); Jeffrey Wasserstrom (Indiana Univ.); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the Herbert Feis Award: Elizabeth Faue (Wayne State Univ.); John Le Donne (Cambridge, Mass.); Kenneth Maxwell (Council on Foreign Relations); Francisco Scarano (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize: Dane Kennedy (Univ. of Nebraska), chair; Roger Buckley (Univ. of Connecticut at Storrs); Raymond Dumett (Purdue Univ.); Margot Finn (Emory Univ.); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award: Helen Nader (Univ. of Arizona), chair; Martha Howell (Columbia Univ.); Harry Liebersohn (Univ. of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign); Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran (Cruz) (Georgetown Univ.); Pamela Smith (Pomona Coll.).

Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize: Anne Scott (Duke Univ.), chair; Isabel Hull (Cornell Univ.); Dennis Romano (Syracuse Univ.); Ann Twinam (Univ. of Cincinnati); Stephanie McCurry (Univ. of California at San Diego).

Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize: Stanley Kutler (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison), chair; Cornelia Dayton (Univ. of California at Irvine); Sarah Barringer Gordon (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Leonard W. Levy (Ashland, Ore.); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prizes: Alexander J. Grab (Univ. of Maine at Orono), chair; Alice Kelikian (Brandeis Univ.); John E. Monfasani (State Univ. of New York at Albany).

Committee on the Wesley-Logan Prize: Gwendolyn Hall (Rutgers Univ.); Stuart Schwartz (Yale Univ.); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the John O’Connor Film Award: Theodore Rabb (Princeton Univ.), chair; Victoria de Grazia (Columbia Univ.); Steven Ross (Univ. of Southern California).

Committee on the Nancy Roelker Mentorship Award: Susan Glenn (Univ. of Washington); Gloria Miranda (El Camino Coll.); Jill Watts (California State Univ. at San Marcos); two members to be appointed.

Committee on Teaching Prizes: Thomas Arnold (Yale Univ.); Susan Porter Benson (Univ. of Connecticut at Storrs); Simeon Crowther (California State Univ. at Long Beach); Diego Gonzalez-Grande (Benjamin Franklin High Sch., New Orleans); one member to be appointed.

Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship: James O. Horton (George Washington Univ.), chair; Paula Baker (Univ. of Pittsburgh); Richard D. Brown (Univ. of Connecticut at Storrs); Kathleen N. Conzen (Univ. of Chicago); Rachel Klein (Univ. of California at San Diego).

Committee on the NASA Fellowship: Lillian Hoddeson (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), chair; Glenn E. Bugos (The Prologue Group); John F. Guilmartin (Ohio State Univ.); Joel Mokyr (Northwestern Univ.); Michael Neufeld (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution).

Special, Joint, and Ad Hoc Committees

Joint AHA-Canadian Historical Association Committee: Gordon T. Stewart (Michigan State Univ.), chair; Peter Way (Univ. of Sussex); Henry Yu (Univ. of California at Los Angeles).

Program Committee for 1998: Sara Evans (Univ. of Minnesota), chair; Ann Waltner (Univ. of Minnesota), co-chair; Charles Ambler (Univ. of Texas at El Paso); Lonnie Bunch (National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution); Joan Cadden (Univ. of California at Davis); John Chasteen (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Paula Findlen (Stanford Univ.); Eric Rothschild (Scarsdale High Sch., Scarsdale, NY); John Voll (Georgetown Univ.); Eric Weitz (St. Olaf Coll.); one member to be appointed.


Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation: Warren F. Kimball (Rutgers Univ.).

American Assn. for the Advancement of Slavic Studies: Melissa Bokovoy (Univ. of New Mexico).

American Council of Learned Societies: Thomas Holt (Univ. of Chicago).

International Committee of Historical Sciences: Renate Bridenthal (Brooklyn Coll., City Univ. of New York).

National Historical Publications and Records Commission: Constance B. Schulz (Univ. of South Carolina).

Social Science Research Council: Iris Berger (Univ. of Albany).

Friends of the German Historical Institute: to be appointed.

Note:Sandria B. Freitag, the AHA’s executive director, is an ex officio member of all committees.

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