Publication Date

March 1, 1993

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The following is a list of the officers, elected Council members, and the approved committee structure for 1993.



Louise A. Tilly, New School for Social Research (president); Thomas C. Holt, University of Chicago (president-elect); Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr., University of California, Berkeley (immediate past president); Blanche Wiesen Cook, John Jay College-CUNY (vice president, Research Division); Robert A. Blackey, California State University, San Bernardino (vice president, Teaching Division); Drew Gilpin Faust, University of Pennsylvania (vice president, Professional Division); Carole K. Fink, Ohio State University; Nell Irvin Painter, Princeton University; Suzanne Wilson Barnett, University of Puget Sound; Sam Bass Warner, Jr., Brandeis University; Mary Elizabeth Perry, Occidental College and University of California, Los Angeles; Donald A. Ritchie, U.S. Senate Historical Office; Samuel R. Gammon, AHA, and David L. Ransel, AHR, ex officio




Drew Gilpin Faust (vice president); Nell Irvin Painter (Council member); Anand Yang, University of Utah; Paul K. Conkin, Vanderbilt University; Claire G. Moses, University of Maryland, College Park; Samuel R. Gammon, AHA, ex officio


Blanche Wiesen Cook (vice president); Carole K. Fink (Council member); Claudia Koonz, Duke University; James Lockhart, University of California, Los Angeles; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, University of New Hampshire; Samuel R. Gammon, AHA, ex officio


Robert A. Blackey (vice president); Suzanne Wilson Barnett (Council member); James Adomanis, Anne Arundel County (MD) Public Schools; Sarah Hanley, University of Iowa; James J. Lorence, University of Wisconsin Center-Marathon County; Samuel R. Gammon, AHA, ex officio

Elected Committees

Nominating Committee

Nancy A. Hewitt, chair, Duke University; Rudolph Bell, Rutgers University; Rebecca J. Scott, University of Michigan; Jere Bacharach, University of Washington; Evelyn Edson, Piedmont Virginia Community College; Jos, Cuello, Wayne State University; Marcia L. Colish, Oberlin College; James R. Grossman, The Newberry Library; Sylvia M. Jacobs, North Carolina Central University

Committee on Committees

Thomas C. Holt, chair; Keith M. Baker, Stanford University; Susan E. Ramirez, De Paul University; Richard J.M. Blackett, Indiana University; Ramón Gutiérrez, University of California, San Diego

Committee on Affiliated Societies

Thomas C. Holt, chair; Donald A. Ritchie (Council member); Alexander J. DeGrand, North Carolina State University; Edith Couturier, National Endowment for the Humanities

Standing Committees

Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship in American History

Daniel W. Howe, chair, University of California, Los Angeles; Joyce O. Appleby, University of California, Los Angeles; James Henretta, University of Maryland, College Park; Louise Tilly (president); Thomas C. Holt (president-elect)

Committee on International Historical Activities

Jean Quataert, chair, Binghamton University; William Jordan, Princeton University; Nikki Keddie, University of California, Los Angeles; Jaime Rodriguez O., University of California, Irvine; Allan Winkler, Miami University of Ohio

Committee on Minority Historians

Joseph E. Harris, chair, Howard University; Deena Gonzalez, Pomona College; Antonio Rios-Bustamente, University of Arizona; Joseph Taylor, Bethune-Cookman College; Gordon Chang, Stanford University; Donald Fixico, Western Michigan University; Claire Sanders, graduate student, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Committee on Women Historians

Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, chair, Morgan State University; Gerald Gill, Tufts University; Cynthia Little, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Iris Berger, SUNY-Albany; Carla Hesse, University of California, Berkeley; Margaret Grimshaw, graduate student, University of California, Los Angeles

Membership Committee

Robert Harris, chair, Cornell University; Gale Peterson, Cincinnati Historical Society; William D. Piersen, Fisk University; Roy Rosenzweig, George Mason University; David Berry, Essex (NJ) Community College; Ron Briley, Stanford (CA) High School; Tamara Hareven, University of Delaware; Glen Kuecker, graduate student, Rutgers University

Prize and Fellowship Committees

Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize

Woodruff Smith, chair, University of Texas, San Antonio; Elizabeth A.R. Brown, Brooklyn College & Graduate School-CUNY; David P. Jordon, University of Illinois at Chicago; Judith Brown, Stanford University; Seymour Drescher, University of Pittsburgh

Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize

Lancelot Farrar, chair, Chestnut Hill, MA; David Crew, University of Texas at Austin; Sheila Fitzpatrick, University of Chicago; Theodore Koditschek, University of Missouri-Columbia; Diane Koenker, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, William Shorrock, Cleveland State University

Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award and the John H. Dunning Prize

Michael Bernstein, chair, University of California, San Diego; John Mason Hart, University of Houston; Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Emory University; Stuart Schwartz, University of Minnesota; Peter Wood, Duke University

Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize

Gregory Kozlowski, chair, DePaul University; John Eadie, Michigan University; Janet Johnson, University of Chicago

Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize

Evelyn Rawski, chair, University of Pittsburgh; Andrew Gordon, Duke University; Harry Harootunian, University of Chicago; Michael Schaller, University of Arizona; Marilyn Young, New York University

Committee on the Herbert Feis Award

Jean Russo, chair, Historic Annapolis Foundation; Peter Stearns, Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph Corn, Stanford University; Alan Dawley, Princeton University; Alice Wexler, Los Angeles, CA

Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize

Peter Weiler, chair, Boston College; Stanley Palmer, University of Texas at Arlington; Richard Greaves, Florida State University; Howard Johnson, University of Delaware; Barbara Ramusack, University of Cincinnati

Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award

Myron Gutmann,chair, University of Texas at Austin; Richard Kagan, Johns Hopkins University; Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Cissie Fairchilds, Johns Hopkins University; David Harris Sacks, Reed College

Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize

Cheryl Martin, chair, University of Texas at El Paso; Michael Grossberg, Case Western Reserve University; Claire Robertson, Ohio State University; Ronald Walters, Johns Hopkins University; Bonnie Smith, Rutgers University

Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize

Norma Basch, chair, Rutgers University-Newark; Herman Belz, University of Maryland, College Park; Melvyn Dubofsky, SUNY-Binghamton; Harold Hyman, Rice University; Bruce Mann, University of Pennsylvania

Committee on the Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prizes in Italian History

Alexander J. DeGrand, chair, North Carolina State University; Donna Gabaccia, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Paul Grendler, University of Toronto

Committee on the John E. O’Connor Film Award

Thomas Cripps, chair, Morgan State University; Susanna Barrows, University of California, Berkeley; Paul Vanderwood, San Diego State University

Committee on the Nancy Roelker Mentorship Award

Carol Gluck, chair, Columbia University; Dorothy Abrahamse, California State University, Long Beach; Nadine Hata, El Camino (CA) Community College; Marilynn Hitchens, Wheat Ridge (CO) High School; Fred M. Leventhal, Boston University

Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship

Richard Ellis, chair, SUNY-Buffalo; James M. Banner, James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation; Paula Fass, University of California, Berkeley; Joseph W. Trotter, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University; David Brody, University of California, Davis

Committee on the NASA Fellowship

Alfred Hurley, chair, University of North Texas; William H. Becker, George Washington University

Special, Joint, and Ad Hoc Committees

History Teaching Alliance Oversight Committee

Bryan F. LeBeau, Creighton University; Jean Fleet, Riverside (WI) High School

Joint AHA-Canadian Historical Association Committee

Suzann C. Buckley, chair, SUCNY-Plattsburgh; Robin Winks, Yale University; Carl Ubbelode, Case Western Reserve University

Joint AHA-OAH-SAA Committee on Historians and Archivists

Peter Novick, University of Chicago; Athan Theoharis, Marquette University

Joint AHA-OAH-ASA Committee on International Scholarly Exchanges

Akira Iriye, chair, Harvard University; Lawrence W. Levine, University of California, Berkeley

Program Committee for 1994

Linda Levy Peck, chair, University of Rochester; Stanley Engerman, co-chair, University of Rochester; Elizabeth Clark, Duke University; Sherman Cochran, Cornell University; Mark U. Edwards, Harvard University; Rachel Fuchs, Arizona State University; Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, University of Pennsylvania; Marilynn Jo Hitchens, Wheat Ridge (CO) High School; Gary Kulik, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution; Patrick Manning, Northeastern University; Francisco A. Scarano, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Robert Harris, 1995 chair, Cornell University; Ann-Louise Shapiro, 1995 co-chair, Wesleyan University


Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation

Warren Kimball, Rutgers University

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies

Patricia Herlihy, Brown University

American Council of Learned Societies

Leon Litwack, University of California, Berkeley

International Committee of Historical Sciences

Jean Quataert, Binghamton University

National Advisory Board of The History Teacher

Jane Landers, University of Florida; Julia Stewart Werner, Nicolet (WI) High School

National Archives II Advisory Group

Alan Kraut, American University

National Historical Publications and Records Commission

John Alexander Williams, Appalachian State University

NHPRC Advisory Group on “America’s Documents: America’s History”

David Kyvig, University of Akron

Social Science Research Council

William Cronon, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Note: The AHA’s executive director is an ex officio member of all committees

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