Publication Date

May 1, 1992

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

At its spring meeting, the Association’s Research Division selected thirty AHA members to receive grants for further research in the history of the Western hemisphere.

Beveridge grants are offered for research in the history of the United States, Canada, or Latin America. The Littleton-Griswold grants-in-aid program covers research in American legal history and the field of law and society. The Kraus grant seeks to recognize the most deserving proposals relating to work in progress on a research project in American colonial history, with particular reference to the intercultural aspects of American and European relations. The number of grants awarded from the funds each year depends on the balance of income from the funds after other continuing obligations are met.

The following members, and their proposed research projects, were selected from the ninety-six applications reviewed:


Beveridge Grants


65 Applications—18 Grants

Ann Farnsworth Alvear, Ph.D. candidate, Duke University, “Gender and Industrial Discipline in Medellin, 1910–1960”

Richard G. Canedo, Ph.D. candidate, Brown University, “American Vaudeville and Shifting Cultural Values, 1880–1930”

Julie A. Charlip, Ph.D. candidate, UCLA, “Cultivating Coffee: Landlords and Campesinos in Nicaragua”

Betty Abrahamsen Dessants, Ph.D. candidate, University of California, Berkeley, “The American Academic Community and United States-Soviet Relations: The Research and Analysis Branch and Its Legacy, 1941–1949”

Sharla M. Fett, Ph.D. candidate, Rutgers University, “African-American Healing in Antebellum Southern Plantation Communities”

Patrick Hagopian, Ph.D. candidate, Johns Hopkins University, “The Social Memory of the Vietnam War”

Nicholas M. Kliment, Ph.D. candidate, Brown University, “White, Black, and Blue: Race Relations in New Haven, Connecticut since World War II”

Michael Lapp, asst. prof., College of New Rochelle, “Puerto Rico as a Social Laboratory, 1945–1970”

Devon A. Mihesuah, asst. prof., Northern Arizona University, “History of the Cherokee Male Seminary, 1851–1910”

Deborah Anne Montgomerie, Ph.D. candidate, Duke University, “The Passing of Authority and the Transformation of Identity: Ngai Tahu, Robeson County Indians, and the Garden River Band of Ojibwa, 1840–1940”

Andrew Neather, Ph.D. candidate, Duke University, “Popular Republicanism, Americanism, and the Moral Ecomony of Organized Labor, 1890–1925”

Hannah Rosen, Ph.D. candidate, University of Chicago, “Interracial Rape and the Politics of Reconstruction during the Memphis Riot of 1866”

Marie Jenkins Schwartz, Ph.D. candidate, University of Maryland, College Park, “Born in Bondage: A Comparative Study of Slave Childhood, 1815–1865”

Paul M. Taillon, Ph.D. candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “‘We Want Only Good, Reliable, White Men’: Gender and Race in the Southern Railway Brotherhoods, 1865–1926”

Cassandra Tate, Ph.D. candidate, University of Washington, “The American Anti-Cigarette Movement, 1880–1930”

Kathryn Manson Tomasek, Ph.D. candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “‘The Pivot of the Mechanism’: Gender and Social Change in Fourierist Association and the Antebellum United States”

Nancy E. van Deusen, Ph.D. candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, “The Ideology and Practice of Recogimiento in Sixteenth-Century Spain and Seventeenth-Century Peru”

Elizabeth R. Varon, Ph.D. candidate, Yale University, “The Political Consciousness of White Women in Virginia, 1830–1880”

Kraus Grants

7 Applications—3 Grants

Marjoleine Kars, Ph.D. candidate, Duke University, “‘Breaking Loose Together’: Religion and Rebellion in the North Carolina Piedmont, 1730–1790”

Laura B. Kennelly, independent scholar, Denton, TX, “Goldsmith and the Rhetoric of Authority in Early America”

Susan Lindsey Lively, Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University, “Going Home: Americans in Britain in the Eighteenth Century”

Littleton-Griswold Grants

26 Applications—9 Grants

Jeffrey S. Adler, asst. prof., University of Florida, “Violence and the Industrial City”

Thomas Joseph Brown, Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University, “A Biography of Dorothea Dix, 1802–1887”

Dennis A. Deslippe, Ph.D. candidate, University of Iowa, “‘Rights, not Roses’: Women, Industrial Unions, and American Law, 1945–1980”

Larry Goldsmith, Ph.D. candidate, University of Pennsylvania, “Penal Reform, Convict Labor, and Prisoner Culture in Massachusetts, 1800–1880”

Sarah Barringer Gordon, Ph.D. candidate, Princeton University, “The Twin Relic of Barbarism: A Legal History of Anti-Polygamy in Nineteenth-Century America”

Jimmy Elaine Wilkinson Meyer, Ph.D. candidate, Case Western Reserve University, “Practices and Prohibitions: Intimate Realities of Birth Control, 1920–1943”

Alice Yang Murray, Ph.D. candidate, Stanford University, “‘Silence, No More’: The Japanese American Redress Movement, 1941–1988”

Leslie J. Reagan, visiting asst. prof., Johns Hopkins University, “Were Women Victims or Accomplices in Illegal Abortion? An Analysis of United States Law and Criminal Trials”

Donna C. Schuele, Ph.D. candidate, University of California, Berkeley, “Widowhood and Divorce in California Law and Politics, 1850–1920”

If you would like to be placed on mailing list(s) to receive updated application forms when available for the Beveridge, Kraus, or Littleton-Griswold grants (next deadline: February 1, 1993) OR the Schmitt Grants in European, Asian, or African history (next deadline: September 15, 1992), please write the Administrative Assistant, AHA, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.