Publication Date

January 1, 1993

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The AHA’s Research Division recently announced awards made to support research in the history of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Funds for the grant program come from the earnings of a bequest from Bernadotte E. Schmitt, president of the Association in 1960. Awarded annually in the fall, grants are intended to further research in progress and are used to fund travel to a library or archive, and for microfilms, photographs, or xeroxing, etc.

The following members and their proposed research projects were selected from the eighty-three applications reviewed:

L. Rosanne M. Adderley, Ph.D. candidate, University of Pennsylvania, “‘New Negroes from Africa’: Liberated Africans in Trinidad and the Bahamas, 1810–1900”

Fred ‘Bud’ Burkhard, asst. prof., Morgan State University, “Henriette Valet’s ‘Madame 60 Bis’: Poor and Pregnant in Paris, 1934”

Lisa DiCaprio, Ph.D. candidate, Rutgers University, “Women and Social Welfare during the French Revolution: The Ateliers de Filature, 1790–1795”

Rosemarijn Hoefte, deputy head, Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, The Netherlands, “A Social History of Asian Contract Laborers in Suriname, 1873–1940”

Catherine J. Kudlick, asst. prof., University of California, Davis, “Cholera, Revolution, and Bourgeois Identity in Paris, 1830–1850”

Yitzhak Nakash, Ph.D. candidate, Princeton University, “Tribalism, Religion, and National Identity in a Shi’i Society: Iraq, 1908–1958”

William A. Peniston, Ph.D. candidate, University of Rochester, “‘P‚d‚rastes et divers:’ A Social History of Homosexuals in the French Third Republic”

Jeffrey S. Ravel, lecturer, Colgate University, “The Contested Parterre: Public Theater and Cultural Politics in France, 1630–1799”

Patricia S. Seleski, asst. prof., California State University, San Marcos, “Maids of All Work: Women and Domestic Service in London, 1780–1820”

Ellis A. Wasson, teacher, Tower Hill School, Wilmington, Del., “The British Political Elite, 1660–1945”

The deadline for the next competition will be September 15, 1993. To be placed on the Schmitt mailing list to receive updated application forms when available, please write to the Administrative Assistant, AHA, 400 A Street S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003.