Publication Date

January 1, 1992

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The AHA’s Research Division recently announced awards made to support research in the history of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Funds for the grant program come from the earnings of a bequest from Bernadotte E. Schmitt, president of the Association in 1960. Awarded annually in the fall, grants are intended to further research in progress and are used to fund travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or xeroxing, etc.

The following members, and their proposed research projects, were selected from the forty applications reviewed:

Marjorie M. Farrar, independent scholar, Chestnut Hill, Mass., “Leaders Without a Party: The Role of the Republican Center in France, 1899–1939”

Julie Hardwick, asst. prof., Gettysburg College, “The Practice of Patriarchy: Notaries and their Families in Nantes, 1560–1660”

Susan Billington Harper, independent scholar, Houston, Texas, “Azariah and Indian Christianity in the Late Years of the Raj”

Laura E. Nym Mayhall, PhD candidate, Stanford University, “‘Dare to be Free’: The Women’s Freedom League, 1907–1918”

Allyson Marie Poska, PhD candidate, University of Minnesota, “Marriage Choice in the Diocese of Orense, 1550–1700”

Wendy Singer, visiting asst. prof., Kenyon College, “Forming a Gendered Politics: Processes of Women’s Mobilization in Colonial and Contemporary India”

Cynthia Talbot, asst. prof., Northern Arizona University, “Visions of the Past: Historical Memories of an Indian King”

John V. Tolan, instructor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “The Faces of the Prophet: Western Images of Muhammad in the Middle Ages and Renaissance”

Charles J. Weeks, Jr., assoc. prof., Southern College of Technology, “Fiji During the Second World War: Catalyst for Decolonization”

Steven J. Williams, instructor, University of Northern Iowa, “The Early Career of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets in Medieval Europe”

The deadline for the next competition will be September 15, 1992. To be placed on the Schmitt mailing list to receive updated application forms when available, please write to the Administrative Assistant, AHA, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.