Publication Date

September 1, 1991

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

The recipient of the fourteenth annual J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship in American History is Dr. Ellen T. Eslinger, James Madison University. The fellowship is offered annually by the Library of Congress and the AHA to support significant scholarly research in the collections of the Library by young historians. The selection was made by the AHA Committee on the Jameson Fellowship, composed of Susan Ware, New York University (chair); Sara Alpern, Texas A&M University; Richard J. M. Blackett, Indiana University; Richard Ellis, SUNY-Buffalo; and James Hodges, College of Wooster.

Dr. Eslinger received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1988 and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of History at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She plans to spend the fall semester in residence at the Library researching “The Great Revival in Bourbon County, Kentucky.” Bourbon County was the location of the Cane Ridge Presbyterian meetinghouse, where in August 1801 between ten and twenty thousand people assembled to participate in a new form of evangelical worship, known later as camp meeting revivalism. Dr. Eslinger will continue her research in the Library’s manuscript collections, incorporating into her project a study of frontier slavery. Residency at the Library is particularly valuable since it allows access to collections and papers not available through interlibrary loan.

The Jameson Fellowship is awarded for one semester or for as much of an academic year that the fellow desires to spend in residence at the Library. The project in American history must be one for which the general and special collections of the Library offer unique research support. The application deadline for the 1992–93 competition is March 15, 1992. Further information may be obtained from the Executive Assistant at AHA headquarters, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003.