Darlene Clark Hine, chair of the Nominating Committee, has announced the following results of the 1989 balloting for officers and committee members of the American Historical Association.
David Herlihy, Brown University
William E. Leuchtenburg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Vice President, Professional Division
Susan M. Socolow, Emory University
Council Members
Place 1
Robert L. Kelley, University of California, Santa Barbara
Place 2
Barbara A. Hanawalt, University of Minnesota
Divisional Committee Members
Barbara Engel, University of Colorado, Boulder
David Stam, Syracuse University Library
Robert Brent Toplin, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Committee on Committees
Carole Shammas, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Nominating Committee
Place 1
Pete Daniel, National Museum of American History
Place 2
Arvarh Strickland, University of Missouri, Columbia
Place 3
Patrick J. Geary, University of Florida
These results will be announced at the annual business meeting in San Francisco, December 29 in Continental Parlor 8 of the San Francisco Hilton beginning at 4:45 p.m. A detailed election report will appear in the January issue of Perspectives.