Publication Date

December 1, 1988

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

Richard S. Dunn, chair of the Nominating Committee, announces the following results of the 1988 balloting for officers and committee members of the American Historical Association.



Louis R. Harlan, University of Maryland College Park


David Herlihy, Brown University

Vice President, Teaching Division

Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau, University of Louisville

Council Members

Place 1: Margaret Strobel, University of Illinois, Chicago

Place 2: Martin J. Wiener, Rice University

Divisional Committee Members

Professional: David M. Katzman, University of Kansas

Research: Constance B. Schultz, University of South Carolina

Teaching: Barbara J. Harris, Pace University

Committee on Committees

Stanley G. Payne, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Nominating Committee

Place 1: Gary B. Nash, University of California, Los Angeles

Place 2: Angeliki Laiou, Harvard University

Place 3: Barbara N. Ramusack, University of Cincinnati


The results will be announced at the annual business meeting in Cincinnati, December 29 in West 250 of the Convention Center beginning at 4:45 p.m. A detailed election report will appear in the January issue of Perspectives.