Conferencing the International

Dr Benjamin Thorpe, based on the archival research of Prof Stephen Legg, as part of the AHRC-funded "Conferencing the International" project | Mar 31, 2021

Conferencing the International offers a study of the failed India Round Table Talks (London, 1930-1932). The result of the talks, which included four female delegates from India, laid the foundation for the Government of India Act (1935), and pioneered the fusion of international conferencing with late-colonial negotiations of state sovereignty. These guided and shaped the British Empire’s reluctant path to decolonization.

With seating charts of the delegates, timelines, primary source coverage, including contemporary short films, and links to additional readings, this site serves as an in-depth case study of early 20th century decolonization efforts. Conferencing the International may be of particular interest to IB 20th century History students and undergraduates specializing in political history and international relations.

Tags: Britain South Asia Maps Primary Sources Readings Short Video Timelines Empires Political Women, Gender, & Sexuality 1900-1945


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