The Effect of the Doctrine of Reconstruction

Montgomery Weekly Post, March 26, 1861

No matter how desirable it may seem to some that the old Union be reorganized, we have always regarded it as the height of folly to cling to foregone conclusions. To our mind there is no more prospect of a reconstruction of the old Government than there is of a return of Northern arrogance and fanaticism to right reason and self-sacrificing justice, a thing that they are incapable of doing, even if they had the disposition.—"Ephraim is joined to his Idol," and we may as well make up our mind to let him alone. It is manifestly our duty then, as well as our interest, to avail ourselves of the opportunities that present themselves, and make the best possible use of the circumstances that surround us. We find the country in a state of restless suspense—a general apprehensiveness is apparent; a looking forward to consequences of the most fearful character, mingled with the anxious hopes of many that these consequences may be averted. This is, to say the least of it, an unpleasant condition of things, calculated to impair confidence, paralize energy and obstruct the industrial pursuits of life; and for the continuance of this state of things, almost as fatal in its consequences as ever the disasters of actual war would be, as is generally the case, somebody is to blame. This state of things has arisen and is fostered and perpetuated by a misunderstanding existing between some of the over credulous in both sections of the country. We would not impugn the motives of any, but he that revels in the dreams of reconstruction, follows an ignis fatuous, that misleads him and deceives others.—This kind of somnambulist, for such he must be if he fails to realize the actual state of things as they exist around him, in his distorted imagination can see the glimpses of returning justice, and the exhibitions of concession and conciliation from the representatives of Northern sentiment, where none really exists or were designed to be expressed; and on the other hand the North flatters itself with the delusive hope that this Southern movement is all an experiment, soon to be given up, and that soon the stray sheep of the South will return and bleat for admission into the original fold. These are fatal conclusions never to be realized, but only calculated to retard a settlement and perpetuate the present state of public suspense, and if continued, may eventually exhaust the patience of the friends of peace and quiet and make them resort to the arbitration of the sword, rather than remain the subjects of vacillating uncertainty. For the hope of a reconstruction entertained by the people of the North, misguided friends of the Union in the South are mainly to blame. The Border States have maintained their States in the Union for no other reason than to exercise their influence in behalf of reconstruction, and some of their representative men, in their infatuated zeal, have gone so far as to stigmatize this Southern movement as rebellion and treason, and even threaten the hemp pulling exercise as the penalty for the offence.

What then is the consequence of this position; in the first place, it stimulates the North, with the false idea, that the seceded States contemplate a return to the Union, and upon this ground, they are induced to protract, as long as possible, an acknowledgment of our position, and a recognition of our rights; and the same influence is wielded, with the same effect, by him that urges the propriety of reconstruction, as a citizen of the Confederate States. It fosters a delusive hope in the minds of the people of the North, and further exasperates those opposed to it, in the South. If then we would restore public confidence, facilitate a peaceful solution of our difficulties, and reinstate the industrial interests of the country, we should look upon the facts as they actually exist.—This new government is no visionary phantom, as some may seem to think—it is a living actual reality, its machinery is already in motion—it has its mission to perform and its destiny to realize; and it depends upon its own citizens to determine whether that destiny shall be one of glory, honor, and renown, or whether the experiment shall be pronounced a failure, and its friends the dupes of derision and folly. Then we must say that we are heartily tired of this cringing uncertain state of suspense, this halting between two opinions. We would be glad to see every man in the Southern States come out boldly and independently, either for or against the Southern Government; if he is for it, let him wield his influence to perpetuate it, and propel it forward in its career to success—if against it, throve off the garb of reconstruction, and enlist at once under the banner of BROWNLOW and PRENTICE, with ANDY JOHNSON, for your Captain General, and SEWARD, GREELEY & CO., for your patriotic confederates.