A Disrupted Union

Canton Stark County Democrat, January 9, 1861

Since we have observed the treasonable inaction of the Republican members of Congress, we have concluded that disunion is quite possible if not probable. The Seward and Giddings leaders of the Republican party in Congress are remaining perfectly indifferent, or praying for the secession of all the slave States. At all events, they will lend no helping hand to stay the blow!

"Oh for a tongue to curse the slave
Whose treason, like a deadly blight
Comes o'er the councils of the brave,
And blasts them in their hour of might.["]

We doubt not these Greeley leaders have padlocked Mr. Lincoln, otherwise something might have been heard from him, which would have had an excellent effect. A patriotic statement from "Old Abe," a few weeks ago, would have worked wonders! We fear it may now be too late!

Well, if the Cotton States go, we want blue light New England also to go. Let her go and consume her own manufactures, her own codfish, wooden nutmegs, &c. The other States could get along well when the crazy descendants of Plymouth Rock (whose hearts are frequently as bloodless as the Rock) were got rid of. We would immediately favor a prohibitory tariff on all New England manufactures, such as school-marms, poor preachers, Lecturers on Women's Rights, and "the nigger in the woodpile," codfish, and whale ile, brass and wooden clocks, skimmilk and wooden cheeses; to say nothing of calico, shirting and sheeting, and ice. After thus getting rid of blood-sucking-blue-light-burning New England, we would either unite with the Cotton States, or form a friendly treaty. Then Pennsylvania and Ohio, having plenty of coal, could go into the weaving and manufacturing business generally, and find a ready market South. Under this state of things, Canton might become a Manchester, and the hills for miles around be ransacked to furnish coal to drive her millions of spindles and thousands of looms.

This is our mode of paying off New England for her fanaticism and treason, and if, by her abolition folly, this Union is to be severed, she will suffer—as indeed she ought.