Resources for Getting Started in Digital History

These links do not constitute endorsements by the AHA. Some links may have changed since the page was built (2014 Dec).

Getting Started in Digital History Workshops

To get an idea of the range of digital history methodologies, check out the workshop offerings from the past several meetings and Virtual AHA.

General Resources

If you're new to digital history, the overview session of AHA's 2014 Getting Started in Digital History workshop is available on YouTube. You can also refer to the resources from the 2015 annual meeting below for more useful materials. We will be adding more resources, as well, so check back periodically. 

What is Digital History?

This question is a matter of debate, so some of the resources that appeared early in the debate appear here, along with an editorial that addresses history practiced in public.

How Can I Benefit from Digital History?

Personal Interaction

Social Media
Digital Publishing
Funding Organizations & Sources


There are a host of "teaching digital history" posts online. Those listed here represent commonly referenced major resources, or their formats reflect the online ever-changing nature of digital history, or both.

Project Building Blocks

Many of the projects in this section overlap. University of Nebraska-Lincoln's History Harvest is a particularly good example.

Public History

Curation and Exhibition
Public Outreach & Crowdsourcing

Online Datastores

Personal Research Bibliographies

Problem Solving

The DH community is constantly adding and revising resources for the following categories, so search engines and Twitter are your best bet for keeping up to date. A few select tutorials and links to popular tools are included below to get you started:

General Resources

  • Bamboo DiRT: A searchable list of digital research tools, with very useful filters based on tool type, cost and platform.
  • The Programming Historian 2: An online open-access textbook with tutorials on a number of topics including GIS, topic modeling, Omeka, Zotero, and several programming languages
  • Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

Overviews of Data Mining & Data Visualization