The Anti-Saloon League

The Anti-Saloon League was one of a number of temperance and reform organizations pushing to outlaw liquor in the United States around the turn of the century. Many of the people involved in the Anti-Saloon League were the same kinds of folks involved in many other reform activities in the U.S. at this time, namely the native-born middle-class.

Your assignment: "Select, analyze and write about the past"

  1. Visit the website listed above and familiarize yourself with the materials contained therein.
  2. Chose one of the following sections to focus your attention on:
    1. "History"
    2. "Leaders"
    3. Some of the material under "Printed Materials"
    4. "Related Organizations"
  3. Prepare a short report (2-4 pages) on some aspect of the information found in your section. Does a dominant theme emerge from the information? Is there some particularly interesting section that sheds insight into why these people were doing this? Did they seem to focus on a particular element in society? Plan to present these reports to the class.