Fingerprinting in the Modern World

Daniel Asen, Rutgers University | Sep 28, 2020

Fingerprinting in the Modern World provides resources for teaching the history and present uses of fingerprinting. It offers short readings, prerecorded lectures, and online quizzes on various themes, such as: the colonial beginnings of fingerprinting in late 19th-century India; history of fingerprint identification practices and technologies; history of fingerprinting and policing; history of scientific research on fingerprints, including in physical anthropology, genetics, and medical genetics; and fingerprints and the scientific construction of race.

Tags: Atlantic World Britain Europe South Asia United States World Assignments Lecture, Podcast, & Documentary Maps Primary Sources Readings Empires Legal Medicine, Science, & Technology Race & Ethnicity 1800-1900 1900-1945 1945-Present


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