All Articles

  • 1998 Committee Structure: Additional Appointments

    April 1, 1998

    The following committee appointments were finalized following the publication of the 1998 committee structure in the March issue of Perspectives: Kelly Prize Committee: Edward Alpers (UCLA) Robinson P...

  • A Century Later: Frederick Jackson Turner and the Spanish-American War

    April 1, 1998

    Historians are notoriously reluctant to address contemporary events. It used to be argued that only with the advantage of hindsight could the "meaning" of an event be adequately assessed. In contrast ...

  • Preserving the Past: Into the Future with Terry Sanders

    April 1, 1998

    When ancient lithographers chiseled with lapidary skill their masters' voices into stone, they knew that their work would endure. When cloistered monks incised their illuminated uncials and italics in...

  • Minority Histories, Subaltern Pasts: A Rejoinder

    April 1, 1998

    I am grateful to Professor Spitzer for his comments on my "Viewpoints" piece "Minority Histories, Subaltern Pasts" (Perspectives, November 1997). My essay was compressed from a larger version, so the ...

  • New Directions at the NEH

    April 1, 1998

    William R. Ferris Jr., head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, has put forth a new plan entitled "Rediscovering America: The Humanities and the Millennium," as his first major project since...

  • 1998 Nominations for Elective Office

    April 1, 1998

    The Nominating Committee for 1998--99, chaired by Lillie Johnson Edwards (Drew Univ.), met in Washington, D.C., January 31--February 2, 1998, and offers the following candidates for offices of the Ass...

  • Moral Fables and Cautionary Tales from the Job Market

    April 1, 1998

    One of the responsibilities of the AHA's Professional Division is to monitor the market for jobs in history. A few years ago, issues such as plagiarism and allegations of unprofessional conduct compri...

  • A Hierarchy of History Programs: The U.S. News & World Report Rankings

    April 1, 1998

    Despite concerns by many in the academy, U.S. News & World Report published new rankings of PhD and professional programs late last month. The lists rank history programs using "reputation ratings." T...

  • Letters to the Editor: On Engendering History

    April 1, 1998

    To the Editor: As a historian who researches, writes, and teaches about "gender" and "women" (as well as race, sex, and a good deal more) in American history, I feel compelled to respond to Norman B. ...

  • Belonging Together

    April 1, 1998

    In this space last month you may have read my personal reflections on why I, a historian of Africa, supported the American Historical Association through more than a few years—even at a time when Afri...