Teaching Historical Writing
Writing, and Researching for History: A Guide for College Students. Written by Patrick Rael. https://academic.bowdoin.edu/history/WritingGuides/
H-Teach Discussion Network. Part of the H-Net network, this is a list for teachers of history. Archives contain subtle discussions of plagiarism and pedagogy. Also see EDTECH for discussions of new technology and education. H-Teach: https://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~teach/. EDTECH: https://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~edweb/
Learning about and Detecting Electronic Plagiarism
"Busting the New Breed of Plagiarist." By Michael Bugeja, The Writers Chronicle (September 2000). https://www.awpwriter.org/bugeja1.htm.
Cyber-Plagiarism: Detection and Prevention. Created by Elizabeth J. Pyatt for Educational Technology Services, Pennsylvania State University. https://cac.psu.edu/ets/cyberplag/.
Identify and Search for Plagiarized Papers. Prepared by Maureen Roszkowski (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville). Includes a long list of term paper mills sites. https://www.siue.edu/ENGLISH/websites/plagiarism.htm
Commercial Lecture Notes
Free Education Now! Sociology professor Mathieu Deflem’s (Purdue) page providing information about academics’ fight against commercial note-taking companies. https://www.sla.purdue.edu/people/soc/mdeflem/education.htm
"Academic Integrity"
Center for Academic Integrity. Duke University, co-founded by Donald McCabe (see article). Many of the resources on this site are restricted to members. https://academicintegrity.org/
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