Publication Date

September 4, 2014

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Topic

Research & Publications

Post Type

AHA Announcements


  • United States

The print edition of Perspectives on History, after its usual three-month hiatus, is now on its way to members’ mailboxes. Members will also have access to ebook and PDF versions of the magazine; the web edition, now available at, is open. Inside, or online, readers will learn about the AHA taxonomy revision, predecisional process privilege, careers at the edges of history, the academic job market’s jagged line, inventing teenagers, and the Nixon campaign that never stopped.cover-400x521

In our teaching section, Brenda Santos explains why teachers should embrace the new AP US history exam, while James Grossman and Julia Brookins advocate for a broader preparation for a professorial profession, and a crew of devoted teachers reports on a day in Brooklyn at a symposium on the undergraduate history classroom.

September marks the start of a flurry of preparations that won’t subside until the annual meeting in January. The September issue of Perspectives contains a special section on the meeting, with announcements about deadlines, registration fees, hotel rates, and support for child-care and sign-language services. Plan ahead to get the best hotel rooms and rates, and we’ll see you in New York in January.

There’s much more in this issue, and we’ll be posting more about certain articles on this blog in the coming weeks. But we can’t fail to mention that this issue also contains the call for proposals for the 2016 annual meeting in Atlanta, and a description of the meeting’s theme.

Thanks to all the authors who worked on this issue, and who waited patiently for the summer hiatus to end!

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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