The online version of the October issue of Perspectives on History is now available to AHA members (sign in to member services to gain full access). Nonmembers can preview a portion of each article during the first month of the issue’s release. After one month, the content will be freely available to all. Nonmembers can now access the September issue of Perspectives on History.
In this Issue
After one month as the AHA’s new executive director, James Grossman, considers what it takes to settle in to his new position. Also starting off the issue this month, AHA President Barbara Metcalf reflects on women in the historical profession, and compares a recent picture of the AHA’s past presidents (five women) to a image of the original executive committee of the AHA (all men).
In the news section this month, Konstantin Dierks and Sarah Knott describe what can be found in the October issue of the American Historical Review, Robert B. Townsend looks at the number of students earning history degrees in 2008, and Debbie Ann Doyle laments the passing of David Weber, Vice President of the Professional Division, at age 69.
Also note that nominations are invited for AHA offices (do see the related Statement on Diversity in AHA Nominations and Appointments), and learn more about the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association.
The National History Center has announced that it is accepting applications for the Sixth International Seminar on Decolonization. Also read up on news briefs from Lee White, executive director of the National Coalition for History. He reports on the NHPRC Reauthorization Bill, Federal Register’s 75th Anniversary, “Alien Records” from NARA, and more.
Annual Meetings
Get ready for the 125th Annual Meeting of the AHA with helpful reminders for planning your trip to Boston, some information for persons with disabilities, hotel rate info, and registration. Also, don’t forget to submit your proposal for the 126th AHA Annual Meeting.
Teaching and the Profession
Teachers may be interested in checking out articles on Rubrics for History Courses (by Daniel McInerny) and Articulating Learning Outcomes in History (by Marianne S. Wokeck). Also learn “The Ability to Recognize a Good Source” from David L. Ransel. The Masters at the Movies series continues with an introduction from Robert Brent Toplin andRon Briley’s article, “Terrorism on Screen: Lessons from The Battle of Algiers.”
Robert B. Townsend also contributes “A Profile of the History Profession, 2010,” while Leisa Meyer takesa look at health insurance for graduate students.
This issue also contains a number of Lettersto the Editor, as well as contributions to the “In Memoriam” column for historians who’ve recently passed away. Find it all in the October issue of Perspectives on History.
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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