Publication Date

October 20, 2009

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Perspectives on History October 2009This month, in the October issue of Perspectives on History, get ready for the 124th AHA Annual Meeting, keep up with AHA news and activities, learn the news from Washington, read about training teachers of world history, and go to the movies.

Annual Meeting
As we slip deeper into fall, thoughts are turning to the upcoming 124th Annual Meeting in San Diego this January 7-10, 2010. Karen Halttunen, the AHA’s vice president, teaching division, starts off by highlighting the miniconference on “Historical Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage” to be held at the meeting. Read her description of the event, and see the right-hand side bar for a complete list of all events.

Sharon K. Tune brings readers two informational pieces on the meeting, including some useful reminders and “Information and Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities.” Then, get a glimpse of the host city through Iris Engstrand’s “An Overview of San Diego,” and Matt Bokovoy’s City Beautiful: Balboa Park and the San Diego Expositions.”

A hot topic of every Annual Meeting is jobs in the history profession, and many discussions also take a look at the Job Center. Robert B. Townsend’s article “Time to Dispense with the AHA Conference Interviews?” takes up a recent post in the blogosphere about the best way to interview job candidates, and includes comments from historians with a range of opinions.

Then, even as we gear up for the 124th meeting, preparations are already being made for the 125th. Read the “Call for Proposals: 125th Annual Meeting of the AHA” by Michael H. Fisher and Barbara H. Rosenwein, and check back to submit your proposal later in the fall.

AHA News, Activities, and Articles
Not only is the October issue of Perspectives on History now available, so is the October issue of the American Historical Review. Robert A. Schneider, editor of the AHR, sums up what’s in this month’s issue.

A couple of AHA news items are mentioned this month, including: the establishment of a new Technology Advisory Committee and an invitation for nominations for the 2010 AHA election. A reprinting of the AHA’s “Statement on Diversity in AHA Nominations and Appointments” is posted in the hope that it will encourage members to suggest more individuals from diverse backgrounds for both appointments and nominations.

Also check out William M. Ferraro’s look back at “The AHA and the George Washington Bicentennial in 1932.”

From Washington and our Affiliates
From Washington, the “Senate Bids Farewell to Historian Baker” and Lee White, director of the National Coalition for History, lays out “The Fiscal 2010 Federal Budget.” Meanwhile, Miriam Hauss Cunningham reports on the National History Center’s Summer Institute on Immigration, held in July 2009.

Two sections of this month’s issue may be of interest to history teachers. The first is a Forum on Training Teachers of World History. Robert Bain and Lauren McArthur Harris provide the introduction to the forum, and are followed by Sharon Cohen’sTeaching Teachers of World History,” Peter N. Stearns’ Getting the Big Picture: Teaching World History Teachers,” and Barbara Tischler’s Teaching World History: Issues and Possibilities.”

Then, in the 11th installment of the “Masters at the Movies” series, Louis A. Pérez Jr. introduces Stan Katz’s take on Eyes on the Prize.

In Memoriam
The issue wraps up with remembrances of Joseph O. Baylen, Kenneth Stampp, Roger Trask, and Eugene Yazkov.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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