Publication Date

December 23, 2009

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

In this final issue of the year, hear from AHA President Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, consider issues in the history profession, explore different ways to teach history, learn of recent AHA news, and discover much more. Read on for an overview of all you will find in the December 2009 issue of Perspectives on History.

From the President
This issue begins with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s valedictory column as president: “The Trouble with History.”  In it she advocates listening to your instincts and following your drive, as a passion for history can transcend all challenges.

The Art of History
In “Teaching Scholarship,”Caroline Walker Bynum addresses important questions that are often not raised in the classroom. The essay inaugurates a new column in which distinguished historians will discuss various aspects of the historian’s art.

History Profession
Other important topics in the history profession are explored in this issue. Including articles on recruiting minority students (with lessons from Hartwick College and UNC), ageism and hiring, and navigating graduate admissions.

History teachers may be particularly interested in David Voelker’s article “Clicking for Clio: Using Technology To Teach Historical Thinking.”

More current subjects are covered in the 2009 AHA Election Results, list of donors for 2009, Rob Schneider’s overview of the December 2009 AHR,Robert B. Townsend’s article on the field of religion and AHA members, and Lee White’sappropriations roundup.

More Articles, Letters, and Obits
Also read articles on Academic and Popular Histories in India by Chitralekha Zutshi andThe Social Shape of the AHA, 1884–1945 by Robert B. Townsend. Two letters to the editor this month tackle the questions: What Is “World History”? and Who’s on First? And finally, the late Sidney Fine and Richard H. Zeitlin are remembered.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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