Publication Date

April 1, 2013

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities


  • United States

The AHA Nominating Committee for 2013–14, chaired by Raúl A. Ramos (Univ. of Houston), met in Washington, DC, on February 9–10 and offers the following candidates for offices of the Association that are to be filled in the election this year:

President (one-year term)

  • Jan E. Goldstein, University of Chicago (modern European intellectual and cultural history in social and political context, modern France, history of the human sciences)

President-Elect (one-year term)

  • David Levering Lewis, New York University (political biography, literature of racism, Europe in Africa, Islam in Europe)
  • Vicki L. Ruiz, University of California, Irvine (Chicano/Latino, US women’s, immigration, labor)

Vice-President, Professional Division (three-year term)

  • Steven Hahn, University of Pennsylvania (19th-century America, African American, American South, international history of slavery and emancipation)
  • Philippa Levine, University of Texas-Austin (British Empire; intersections of race and gender; science, medicine, and society)

Council/Divisions(three-year terms)

Councilor Profession

  • Catherine A. Epstein, Amherst College (modern Germany, modern Europe)
  • Ruth Rogaski, Vanderbilt University (Qing and 20th-century China, medicine and science, women and gender, 19th- and 20th-century social and cultural)

Councilor Research

  • Kyle Harper, University of Oklahoma (Greek and Roman history, early Christianity, late antiquity and ancient law)
  • Farina Mir, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (modern South Asia, Islam/Muslims in South Asia, British colonialism)

Councilor Teaching

  • Trinidad Gonzales, South Texas College (Chicana/o, borderlands)
  • Charles Zappia, San Diego Mesa College (US labor, immigration and ethnicity, higher education)

Committee on Committees(three-year term)

  • Herman L. Bennett, the Graduate Center, City University of New York (African diaspora with a focus on precolonial Africa and colonial Latin America)
  • Cynthia Radding, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Ibero-American frontiers during the colonial and early national periods, with emphasis on northern Mexico and the lowland frontiers of Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay; ethnohistory; environmental)

Nominating Committee(three-year terms)

Slot 1

  • Pamela Scully, Emory University (comparative women’s and gender, with emphasis on slavery and emancipation; sexual violence and post-conflict)
  • Ibrahim Sundiata, Brandeis University (Africa: social history, slavery, African diaspora, Afro-Brazil)

Slot 2

  • Edward Muir, Northwestern University (Italian Renaissance)
  • Thomas F. X. Noble, University of Notre Dame (medieval, Mediterranean, religious)

Slot 3

  • François Furstenberg, University of Montreal (US and comparative nationalism, political ideologies, French Atlantic world c. 1790–1820, slavery and society c. 1770–1860)
  • Samuel Truett, University of New Mexico (US-Mexico borderlands, environmental, US West, continental North America, global frontiers and borderlands)

Nominations may also be made by petition carrying in each case the signatures of 100 or more members of the Association in good standing and indicating in each case the particular vacancy for which the nomination is intended. Nominations by petition must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee on or before July 1, and should be sent to the AHA office at 400 A St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of willingness of the nominee to serve if elected. In distributing the annual ballot to the members of the Association, the Nominating Committee shall present and identify such candidates nominated by petition along with its own candidates. Balloting will begin September 1 and end at 11:59 p.m., EDT on November 1, 2013.

Schedule of Nominations and Elections for AHA Officers

  • April 2013: Slate published in Perspectives on History.
  • July 1, 2013: Deadline for nominations by petition, if any.
  • August 31, 2013: Ballot material sent to current AHA members.
  • November 1, 2013: Deadline for return of ballots.
  • January 4, 2014: Election results announced at business meeting during 128th annual meeting scheduled for Washington, DC.
  • January 5, 2014: Individuals begin terms of office.

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