Publication Date

January 1, 1998

Perspectives Section


Editor's Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in the newsletter as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome. To submit an entry, write to Cecelia J. Dadian, Senior Editor, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.

Sean Adams (Ph. D. cand., Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison) has been selected its Fellow in Historical Documentary Editing for 1997–98 by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). The host project for 1997–98 is the Frederick Douglass Papers at West Virginia University.

Howard Beeth (Texas Southern Univ.) won the Best Paper Prize in U.S. History awarded by the Southwestern Historical Association at its 1997 meeting for his paper, “Quaker Missionary Activists, Organization Building, and the Construction of Reputation and Identity in the Emergent South, 1656–1800.”

Chad Berry (Maryville Coll.) was presented the Richard H. Collins Award to recognize distinguished research and writing on Kentucky history for his essay entitled “The Great White Migration, Alcohol, and the Transplantation of Southern Protestant Churches,” in the summer 1996 issue of the society’s quarterly, The Register.

Eric R. Dursteler (PhD cand., Brown Univ.) received a Grant for Independent Research in Venice and the Veneto 1997–98 U.S. Program from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for his paper “Between Venice and the Ottoman Empire: The Venetian Community at Constantinople, 1573–1645.”

George Fishman (independent scholar) has just publishedThe African American Struggle for Freedom and Equality: The Development of a People's Identity, New Jersey, 1624–1850 (Garland, Inc., 1997).

Marvin Gettleman (independent scholar) has become executive director of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. He taught at City College of New York and at Brooklyn’s Polytechnic University and has written and edited books on Indochina, Central America, and 19th- and 20th-century American history. Gettleman serves on the editorial board of Science & Society.

Mary A. Giunta and J. Dane Hartgrove (independent scholars and staff members of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission) were awarded its Thomas Jefferson Prize for 1997 for their work on the publication, “The Emerging Nation: A Documentary History of the Foreign Relations of the United States under the Articles of Confederation, 1780–1789” (3 volumes, NHPRC, 1996).

William W. Hagen (Univ. of California at Davis) received the Chester Penn Higby Prize from the AHA’s modern Europe section at the 1997 annual meeting for his article entitled “Before the ‘Final Solution’: Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Antisemitism in Interwar Germany and Poland” (Journal of Modern History, June 1996).

John B. Hattendorf (U.S. Naval War Coll.) was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Kenyon College. Hattendorf is a professor of maritime history and has published numerous books, articles, and book reviews on naval history and strategies.

Donald R. Kelley (Rutgers Univ.) has edited a collection of essays entitled History and the Disciplines: The Reclassification of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe (Univ. of Rochester Press, 1997).

Georgia Rae Leeds (Northeastern State Univ.) has published The United Keetoowah Band of Chrokee Indians in Oklahoma (Peter Lang Publishers, 1997).

Stephen Mihm (NYU) received a Hagley-Winterhur Fellowship in Arts and Industries for 1997 from the Hagley Museum and Library and Winterhur Museum, Garden, and Library for his article, “A Sense of Things Past: Perception and Material Life in the Nineteenth Century.”

Randall M. Miller (St. Joseph’s Univ.) won the 1996–97 Tengelmann Award for Distinguished Teaching and Research. The award was presented at the 1997 commencement at the university.

Heiko A. Oberman (Univ. of Arizona), received the Dr. A. H. Heineken Prize for history from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Considered a pioneer in the field of medieval history, Oberman was commended for his studies of the relationship between religious and intellectual ideas in the late Middle Ages.

Peggy Pascoe (Univ. of Oregon) recently received the ABC-CLIOAmerica: History and Life award presented at the Organization of American Historians conference in San Francisco for her article, “Miscegenation Law, Court Cases and Ideologies of ‘Race’ in Twentieth-Century America” (Journal of American History, June 1996).

Emil J. Polak (Queensborough Community Coll., CUNY) has published two volumes of Medieval and Renaissance Letter Treatises and Form Letters (E. J. Brill, 1993 and 1994). The manuscript census compiled from visits to almost 600 libraries and archives will be completed in two additional volumes from research in Austria, France, West Germany, and Italy.

Gary K. Pranger (Oral Roberts Univ.) recently published Philip Schaff (1819–1893): Portrait of an Immigrant Theologian (Peter Lang, 1997).

Paul W. Schroeder (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) was Elected a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, London. He is honored as “one of the most distinguished scholars of European diplomatic history in the world.” and for his four major books and publications that “have helped to transform our understanding of European politics.”

Merritt Roe Smith (MIT) received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at its 191st commencement on May 16, 1997, in recognition of his contribution to the history of technology.

Pamela H. Smith (Pomona Coll.) was awarded the 1997–98 Edelstein Fellowship from the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia for her current project tentatively entitled “Art, Commerce, and Science: The Representation of Material Things in Early Modern Europe.” Her 1994 book, The Business of Alchemy: Science and Culture in the Holy Roman Empire (Princeton) earned the Pfizer Prize from the History of Science Society.

Susan L. Smith (Univ. of Alberta) received the 1997 Lavinia Dock Award for Exemplary Historical Research and Writing from the American Association for the History of Nursing for her book, Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women's Health Activism in America, 1890–1950 (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1995)

Larissa Taylor (Colby Coll.) received a National Endowment for the Humanities summer stipend for study in France, Italy, and Germany on “Images of Mary Magdalene in Late Medieval Art and Religion.” Professor Taylor is also the new book review editor beginning January 1998 for the Sixteenth Century Journal.

Wayne A. Wiegand (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) has been awarded the G. K. Hall Award for Outstanding Contribution to Library Literature for his book, Irrepressible Reformer: A Biography of Melvil Dewey (Chicago: American Library Association, 1996). Professor Wiegand previously won Hall Awards in 1988 and 1991, an unprecedented achievement.

Ronald J. Zboray (Georgia State Univ.) and Mary Saracino Zboray (independent scholar) have won the 13th annual Covert Award in Mass Communication History for their article, “Political News and Female Readership in Antebellum Boston and Its Region,” (Journalism History, spring 1996).

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