Publication Date

May 9, 2007

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

May PerspectivesThis month’s issue of Perspectives is centered on a theme: “History and the Changing Landscape of Information.” The collection of articles examines “both new ways of dealing with emergent technologies (wikis, digital publication, bibliographic techniques) and innovative methods of using old modes and models of scholarly processing of information (traditional publishing, using libraries, training to be archivists),” as Pillarisetti Sudhir explains in his Editor’s note. Some articles to note include:

Also, read about a number of the AHA’s own web projects, including articles on this blog, the new Online Directory of History Journals, and the updated graduate students’ page. There’s much more to be discovered in the May issue of Perspectives, visit it online to read all of this and more.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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