Publication Date

June 6, 2012

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

2012 AHA Council meetingAt its mid-year meeting, held in Washington, D.C., on June 2nd and 3rd 2012, the Council of the American Historical Association made the following decisions:

  • Approved the selection of the 2012 Roosevelt-Wilson Award Nominee (to be announced in October).
  • Approved the selection of members for the 2014 Program Committee: Julia Clancy-Smith (Univ. of Arizona); Sarah Cline (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara); Peter A. Coclanis (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Joshua H. Cole (Univ. of Michigan); Rex Ellis (National Museum of African American History and Culture); James Harris (St. Margaret’s Episcopal School); David M. Kalivas (Middlesex Community Coll.); Kathleen A. Kennedy (Missouri State Univ.); Maria E. Montoya (New York Univ.); and Eric Tagliacozzo (Cornell Univ.).
  • Approved the selection of Sharon Leon (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media) and Lee Ann Potter (National Archives) as co-chairs of the 2014 Local Arrangements Committee.
  • Adopted the AHA’s budget for fiscal year 2012–13.
  • Approved a new statement of best practices for transparency in placement.
  • Approved a Professional Division  statement on “Merging History Departments into Other Departments.”
  • Adopted an amendment to the Association’s “Guidelines for the Hiring Process” to encourage search committees to notify candidates selected to be interviewed at the annual meeting at least 21 days in advance of the annual meeting.
  • Approved a change in eligibility dates for AHA book prizes to fit the calendar year (effective with books published in 2012).
  • Approved an adjustment to the scope of books deemed eligible for the George L. Mosse Prize to include “the intellectual and cultural history of Europe since 1500.”
  • Approved three adjustments to the AHA’s Annual Meeting Guidelines, to bar submission of single paper proposals, to encourage session chairs to more carefully monitor time, and to remind members of potential conflicts of interest.
  • Approved the establishment of a Task Force on Digital Scholarship.
  • Approved the appointment of Christopher J. McNickle (Fidelity International) to the Investment Subcommittee of the AHA Finance Committee.
  • Approved the appointment of six new members to the AHR’s Board of Editors: David A. Bell (Princeton Univ., Modern Europe); Timothy Brook (Univ. of British Columbia, Asia); Gregory Grandin (New York Univ., Latin America); Susan Juster (Univ. of Michigan, Early American); Emily Rosenberg (Univ. of California, Irvine, Modern U.S.); Carol Symes (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Medieval).

Keep an eye on AHA Today and the fall issues of Perspectives on History for the publication of the approved statements and reports, and updates on the various activities described above.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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