Publication Date

April 1, 2014

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities


  • United States

The Nominating Committee for 2014–15, chaired by Dane Kennedy (George Washington University), met in Washington, DC, on February 8 and 9 and offers the following candidates for offices of the Association that are to be filled in the election this year:

Schedule of Nominations and Elections for AHA Officers

April 2014: Slate published in Perspectives on History.

May 1, 2014: Deadline for nominations by petition, if any.

June 1, 2014: Ballot material sent to current AHA members.

July 15, 2014: Deadline for return of ballots.

January 4, 2015: Election results announced at business meeting during 129th annual meeting scheduled for New York City.

January 5, 2015: Individuals begin terms of office.


(one-year term)

Vicki L. Ruiz, University of California, Irvine (Chicano/Latino, US women’s, immigration, labor)


(one-year term)

Carol Gluck, Columbia University (modern Japan, World War II, history-writing and public memory in Asia and the world)

Patrick Manning, University of Pittsburgh (world, Africa and African diaspora)

Vice-President, Research Division

(three-year term)

Fred Anderson, University of Colorado Boulder (early modern North America)

Edmund Russell, University of Kansas (environmental, American, global, history of technology and science)


(three-year terms)


Councilor Profession

Paul Gardullo, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution (African American history and culture, American cultural and social history, African diaspora, memory, and public history)

Valerie Paley, New-York Historical Society (public history, US social and cultural, urban)

Councilor Research

David A. Bell, Princeton University (early modern France)

Ethan Shagan, University of California, Berkeley (early modern Britain, early modern Europe)

Councilor Teaching

Craig Perrier, Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools and Northeastern University (K–16 history education, globalizing the US history survey, 20th-century world history, teacher education: curriculum and instruction, online and blended learning)

Brenda Santos, Achievement First Amistad High School, New Haven, CT (20th-century US political, social, and cultural; US women’s and gender; African American; secondary educator development)

Committee on Committees

(three-year terms)

Slot 1

Sarah Knott, Indiana University (early America, revolutionary Atlantic world)

Michele Mitchell, New York University (United States; African diaspora, including West/East/South Africa; gender and sexuality; feminist theory)

Slot 2

Daniel Bornstein, WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis (religious culture of medieval and early modern Europe, especially Italy)

Craig Harline, Brigham Young University (early modern Europe, religion)

Nominating Committee

(three-year terms)

Slot 1

Jana K. Lipman, Tulane University (US foreign relations)

NayanB. Shah, University of Southern California (US and Canadian, gender and sexuality studies, legal and medical)

Slot 2

Paula Alonso, George WashingtonUniversity (Latin America, 19th and 20th century; political and cultural; women and gender)

William K. Storey, Millsaps College (Africa, world, British Empire)

Slot 3

David N. Myers, University of California, Los Angeles (modern Jewish intellectual and cultural)

Eve M. Troutt Powell, University of Pennsylvania (modern Middle East)

Nominations may also be made by petition; each petition must carry the signatures of 100 or more members of the Association in good standing and indicate the particular vacancy for which the nomination is intended. Nominations by petition must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee on or before May 1, and should be sent to the AHA office at 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of willingness of the nominee to serve if elected. In distributing the annual ballot to the members of the Association, the Nominating Committee shall present and identify such candidates nominated by petition along with its own candidates. Balloting will begin June 1.

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